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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I’m very much aware of that, I have programmed stuff in rust as well, but claiming that it’s secure and “better” because it’s rust is just pr, believe me, I can write some really sihtty rust code.

    I’m no evangelist for PHP, but I say use the tool that you know, when I make a new program I’m going to do it in nim, because it’s the langauge that I have the most fun working with. It has mostly the same pros as rust, just with a lot nicer syntax and it’s generally more flexible.

    No shade on people liking rust, but this constant parroting of the same point by people who probably never even used the langauge is getting kind of old.

  • Well that being said I think for many of us being connected to and associated with people that spread obvious lies does not feel great. Like genocide denial, and general tankie-isms, for me personally at least someone that denies that fascist governments like Russia and China is something that is bad for us all, and especially for the Russian and Chinese people feels awfully close to hate speech to me at least. And I’m someone pretty much on the left fringe, I have no problem with communists, the problems are when they tip over into supporting Authocratic or Fascistic governments. And we’re already being connected to it by many people off site as long as we don’t defederate.

    Just figured out the developer behind the jerboa application also is a genocide denier, it feels kind of really bad, I don’t know it makes me feel really conflicted.

  • Yeah, when old.reddit goes my reddit time is gone, without old and RES it’s unusable, and I just will have to deal with not really being able to spend time on subreddits that I really enjoy, it’s just really sad since there aren’t really good communities for it anywhere else, at least yet. I hope there will be some time.