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The original was posted on /r/science by /u/mvea on 2024-05-15 10:17:06+00:00.
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The original was posted on /r/science by /u/mvea on 2024-05-15 10:17:06+00:00.
What happens to your monologue when you’re not thinking about it though?
When your senses provide information about tastes or sounds, isn’t that a kind of thinking without the monologue?
You’re able to turn yours off??
I’ve battled insomnia for my whole life and not being able to shut off the monologue is the main reason
keep your eyes open in the dark; do all the things that trigger your master and tissue specific circadian rhythm like cooler temp, no food before bed, no blue light for hours before bed; blah blah blah
For me, my inner voice is muted when I am focused on something, like working on a task or playing a video game.
The second I stop focusing, the inner voice starts.
If I do nothing, it’s usually a song that is stuck in my head.
As for other senses, for me, it is the same as focusing on a task. When my senses are activated, the inner voice stops.
If I am reading something and I know thr voice of the person that wrote that, I automatically read in their voice and it is extremely hard to read in my voice.
Does you inner monologue have a voice? Mine is just… Voiceless? Like, pure translation. I never think in “My Voice”.
My inner monologue has my voice, like I hear myself talk.