Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.

Mastodon: [email protected]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022


  • Think less about time sharing and more about using all the computers you own together.

    You would have a netbook with no compute power as your UI sitting on your couch. You could connect to your beefy desktop to do all the computations for your video editor or playing a game and never have to be sitting at your desk.

    You could also have a big file store device with lots of drives to store stuff.

    We can do some of this now, I ssh into my desktop from my couch and have a NFS in the basement. But they all operate as separate devices that i have to really work at getting to operate together. Plan9 was designed where you’d just pick devices off of the network and the tasks operated normally. Pick your video card, local or over the network to the beefier GPU.

  • Not a photographer but worked at the restaurant where a wedding party had their rehearsal dinner.

    The groom stood up and gave a toast, all well and good. Not sure if he didnt habe parents or what but the bride’s father talked a moment and gave the groom a few jabs that slowly turned into him almost roasting the guy. Took it that the bride’s father didn’t really like the guy. Groom made a jab back and the father slung it right back at him.

    And that is when the groom goes off and slugs the bride’s father square in the face and down he goes. Groom says a bunch of “fuck you and fuck you” and walks out of the restaurant. We ended up having to walk all these people to their cars because they were afraid the groom might come back and do something (ha like I’m going to protect your great aunt mulva if he comes back with a gun!).

    A couple came into the restaurant a few weeks later, friends of one side of the wedding party. Turns out the groom went back to the hotel, packed up his stuff and left to go back home. Had all the bride’s stuff packed and on a moving truck to her parents place before the weekend was out. Groom just flat out nope’d her.

  • A few things that would help:

    A 4 day work week with both ends of the day brought in to maybe 10-4 (sorry didnt mean 10-3). Things like going to the bank require me to either run during my lunch break or do it on a day off. 4x10-4 means i have a day and edges of days to do tasks i can’t do on the weekend.

    Unlimited PTO. If my tasks are done and I’m paid a salary there is no reason i need to sit around doing nothing. If more work is expected then I’d expect more compensation.

    And lastly mandatory cost of living connected to inflation every year. My last job started during the pandemic. In 2 years the effective inflation rate was 15% and yet i was only given 3% over that time while getting good marks on my reviews. That means in that time i was paid a crazy amount less my last day than my first. I dont care about the actual number of dollars I’m paid but I’d like to buy the same number of eggs mext year as this year if I’m expected to do the same amount of work. This shouldn’t be thought of as a bonus, but rather keeping my level of compensation matched woth my level of expectations for my job.

  • They knew. They say that because they don’t actually want to fulfill their employees needs.

    We want to WFH because we dont want a 2hr unpayed commute. The way that ks fixed is for employees to consider the commute part of their 9-5 but that means we are really only doing 10-4 with an hour from lunch.

    We want WFH because our lunch breaks don’t easily get taken over by meetings because we arent sitting at our desk of the break room. The hour is an actual hour you can’t contact me so more “lost time”.

    With WFH its harder to keep people around after hours as they can quickly mark their chat so to afk. That means no more 4:30 pop ins saying we need to stay late.

    Turns out that when your employees can force their work time no one givea away free time. When you end WFH and try to squeeze out more time you’re going to piss off a lot of people.

  • I think the biggest barrier is that you’re talking about a group of minimal skills that all require the rest of the business to use the skills they have and absolutely no resources to start with.

    If you make food you need a kitchen and ingredients to be able to cook and then trade that for other services. All that requires money, or others to bring you food as payment for some other service you rendered. If you clean houses you need cleaning supplies. Now if you came in to cook or clean for someone who provides all the business needs then you’re golden but that’s not really how one of these communities work. You’re assuming that there are those who can afford the services and others who can only render them.

    This is just a fancy name for a barter system. That requires and entire economy running in the system, not just some services.

  • jecxjo@midwest.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy are folks so anti-capitalist?
    1 year ago

    I think your examples aren’t as “normal” as you think.

    Yes one can gain experience but unless it’s experience to rise above your position it shouldn’t be viewed as a benefit. One would expect of you’re working in a kitchen to learn how to cook. The situations where you’re actually gaining from your job is when you gain experience that actually advances your career. I’ve interviewed a lot of people in many varying fields and this doesn’t happen as often as one would hope.

    And the compensation is not anywhere close to allowing people to move out of their situation. I’ve moved out of state before and if it wasn’t for the fact my current job at the time allowed me to move and keep the same role it would have been extremely difficult. Financially we are talking moving costs, first/last/security on a new place, starting all utilities, etc and chances are your old place won’t refund anything. In 2015 moving two of us a state over and doing it all by myself (no movers) we were still looking at a couple grand once you include rentals, gas, etc. If you’re already living paycheck to paycheck that’s not even possible. Took me over a year of saving with a good paying job to not have that kill us.

    Capitalism in no way makes the worker’s life easy. We pretend like they benefit from it but that’s only as far as their boss is willing to allow it.

    I don’t think that the answer is communism,

    I agree. The issue is that in the US capitalism already controls our government. Take healthcare for example. Let’s say we move to a single payer system. This would mean that the government would select some entity to define the costs of all medical procedures. And who do you think the current federal leaders are going to pick? Someone who is going to look out for those groups who currently line the pockets of the politicians such as Big Pharma and Big Medicine. Rather than saying the cost of materials for an arm cast comes to $10USD they will opt for every crazy extra the hospitals charge today. The $30 arm cast will become $300 because those who make the money on medical pay the politicians to allow them to continue to make money.

    Now how do we do this with business and the economy. We currently see with capitalism that only in the extremely rare cases of monopolies does the government truly come in and enforce regulations. We have laws about pollution and yet they allow for Cap and Trade rather than just forcing everyone to be good. We see labor laws that stop horrible things from happening but God forbid they pass a tax bill that says “you must spend this rebate on your employees direct paychecks.” Nope it all goes to shareholders. Our government is impotent and cannot actually help the middle class. At least not in it’s current state.

  • It wouldn’t work because capitalism requires the inherent greed.

    If a business was run in a way that it intentionally stopped growth at a sustainable level where all employees were paid a good living wage then you’d basically be doing Communism. Sure the means of production would be owned by some individual or company but the whole point of the system is to not look at employees like a commodity. In capitalism employees are just like the machines they use to do their job.

  • jecxjo@midwest.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy are folks so anti-capitalist?
    1 year ago

    The difference is that you often don’t achieve the higher levels of those professions being a one person team. At that point you need others to work for you and in only the most extreme cases does the profits get spread evenly.

    Now don’t get me wrong, the owner of the business does take on responsibilities and risks the employees don’t but at some point you’d expect those costs to drop down to nearly nothing. Instead the business grows, more risk and all the employees stay at the level of benefit while the owner’s benefit increases.