I would call the gene fingerer
I would call the gene fingerer
Hahahha, I just learnt about that gene a little while ago and thought the same: that’s an stupid name for a gene. How would you name them? (the gene and the command)
It sounds fun and “magic” but it is hella scary to blindly run some “fixed” command
It does make sense! When you modify a file, you do “things” on it, you write it. So the minimum you can possibly do to a file to modify it, is “to poke it”: to touch it.
Some people just wanna see the world burn
Good job! Flexible tools empower us. Keep it up and spread the love with other people!
Hahaha, what does that even mean? I am just guessing that that’s their actual intention. I don’t know how that relates to my username
I am not saying they shouldn’t. I am not finger wagging anybody
Nop. It is to counter current US efforts to establish dominance in military space force
Wow! That sounds like a dream! It gives me i3wm and emacs vibes.
What’s the deal with NixOS? I’ve never tried it
Nop. Wrong community, pal
Wait, so it is legal to bribe foreign countries/business? WTF!
How can I learn how to set this up?
Thank you! I learnt something today :)
Welcome! I am new too. Still getting adjusted to the federations and the “way” things are here.
Excellent, new ways of keeping us controlled
Actually, the word “meme” was introduced as a reference to the word “gene”. A “meme” would be a similar concept but in a cultural (rather than biological) realm.
it is “a unit of cultural transmission”—the cultural equivalent of a gene
english, it is better handled by computers at all levels