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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • The USDA told Reuters that Mexican exports from the western state of Michoacán have not been blocked. Additionally, avocados and mangos already in transit wouldn’t be affected by the suspension of inspections, which would be paused “until further notice.”

    So we’re saying “if you beat up our people, we’ll stop enforcing our policies and still do business with you”


    I’ll make a point to not buy Mexican avocados and mangos until this is fully resolved because who knows what’s happening with them if the people who are charged with ensuring their safety get beaten up.

  • Or, it’s because whoever is doing this hates freedom of information and historical evidence. There’s a long list of powerful people and governments who have the resources and will to carry out these attacks.

    Cyber warfare is real, and the Internet archive is a museum and library of culture and truth. It provides evidence and context to our past.

    As in conventional war, it is valuable to the amoral to destroy culture and truth in order to control it. Many would like to kill that to supplant it with their version of events that can’t be refuted with evidence.

  • Reddit did that and then instantly multiple serious competitors began to siphon off their power users both out of principle and practicality, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    YouTube i think understands to not cross the line because if they no longer have a monopoly on mid to long form content their golden goose dies. People are already on edge after a long sequence of attacks against non-premium users.

    Personally, If they do do that, and at least some amount of the channels I care about move to a different platform, I’ll happily move with them and cancel my YouTube premium.

  • Plants respond and react stressfully to being cut and chewed and digested.

    To ignore this is just as bad as ignoring the plight of animals.

    You don’t have to be thankful for the food that you eat and sacrifice for your life, but I will. If you are vegan then you are already aware of some of this plight of life, especially the cruelty of factory farm animals, but I ask you to expand your mind to the plight of all living things.

    I know that when I thank my food, especially fresh plants, that I can feel a warmth of gratefulness radiate from my stomach. I recommend you try it with your next salad and when you are at your garden.

    I want my animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and all life that I interact with to live happy and fulfilling lives.

    The ones I eat to continue my happy and fulfilling life I am especially grateful for.

    It will be a constant struggle to ensure my food and all life I interact with is happy and fulfilled, and to reflect deeply on what I can change and improve when it is not.

    Humans are uniquely capable to manage and ensure quality of life for ecosystems . The water, the soil, the air, the plants, the fungi, the animals. We can choose the well trotted path to exploit, or we can choose the harder path to heal and maintain.

    My solution is to operate a homestead where I can ensure the food I eat and use have a quality happy fulfilling life, and a simple swift painless transfer of life to me and those I can provide for.