• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • I’ve been dreading booting back into Windows recently because I upgraded my motherboard/CPU and know they are going to make me buy another license.

    Windows tends to be better at this these days. If this does happen though, go through the activation process and start the troubleshooter. There’s an option there to transfer the licence from another machine. You should be able to transfer it from the same machine if Windows thinks it’s a new one.

    This assumes that it’s the same version of Windows, but in your case it shouldn’t be changing 👍

  • Sorry for the slow reply, I’ve been away :)

    I set up Syncthing on my wife’s computer, and she disabled it because she didn’t recognise it. I don’t know whether to feel annoyed or proud of her :D

    I’d forgotten about Tailscale. I’ve been meaning to set it up anyway on my media server, so that could be a great solution. I’m torn between hosting at home or something remote, on the off chance that I leave the festival at some point and have to pass everything on.

    (Sorry, I’m just adding this part to remind me later)

    If I set up a subdomain to point to the Tailscale domain, the next person could self host and I’d just need to redirect the subdomain to their Tailscale domain. I need to check how the shared app / program would cope with that.