Love the Bandcamp Fridays where everything goes to the artist.
Love the Bandcamp Fridays where everything goes to the artist.
Rule 1: No Bright Light my dude!
It definitely pairs better than vodka, but vodka is a staple in the liquor setups regardless of where we have a session.
Vodka is the typical option cause you can take it near, on the rocks, or used with a mixer. People know their limits at this point and can adjust safely.
As far a sushi we used to rotate getting takeout, but overtime we started to default to sushi. There tends to be enough variety to mix up the type of sushi each week, it keeps people from getting too full/hungry, and typically is contained enough to fit with all our play supplies.
My main crew typically goes with vodka and sushi on our biweekly session.
When we have a younger/new player we go with seltzer and mixed veg/fruit/nuts.
Also if you got the money to spare a wet dry vacuum is a life saver when your kid barfs I the middle of the night.
Ours got daily use for the various messes the kid and cats would make.
I think it is a solid game. Sunk about 30 hours into it a few months ago, but life got busy and I what free time I’ve had I sunk into Pokemon infinite fusion.
If you want the gist of what it is like to play without sinking in the money “Real Civil Engineer” on YouTube has a Timberborn playlist with hours of content with him just fucking around. Unless you find your own way to build a narrative or make your own challenges you may find that you have done it all by around 60 to 80 hours of gameplay.
I’m not sure if they have a more technical term for water management, but I believe that for aquariums you’d be looking at a standpipe. Here is a quick breakdown of that.