as a pre-schooler non-social media parent, this is fucking hilarious.
Back to school, back to school,
To prove to Daddy that I’m not a fool.
I got my lunch packed up,
My boots tied tight,
I hope I don’t get in a fight.
Oh back to school, back to school…
Our school started back August 5th
Looks like you might be from a Southern state, such as Arizona, Georgia, or Florida. According to the info I got from Copilot. They start the school year in early August. Whereas Northern states, like New York, Massachusetts, and Minnesota typically begin after Labor Day.
Copilot has given you false information.
Oh. How so?
Uh… it’s not correct…?
Minnesota here, our kids go back next week.
Reminded me of when I drove my nephew to kindergarten and played this for him lol. Now he annoys his parents by requesting this song more often than he should. 😂
Soon? We’ve moved on already
Rule 1: No Bright Light my dude!
Shouldn’t that little guy be a puddle of goo in direct sunlight?