Art [he/him] 🌈

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • For Spanish, contrary to what conservatives say, the “white liberals in California” did not invent what we call inclusive language/pronouns. The @ and the X were being used by people like me some 20 years ago, within Latin American communities.

    Words in Spanish are generally gendered, with the -A being feminine and -O being masculine, with -OS being the default mixed-gender plural. There are some special cases, such as “presidente” where words ending with -E are considered technically neutral, but by the lack of diversity they default to masculine.

    The @ looks like both an A and an O, so it kills two birds with one stone. The “traditional” way of writing was -o/a or -os/as, but it just didn’t roll of the tongue as well as unifying the A/O with the @.

    Another letter that was chosen at the time was the X, because like in equations, you can replace the X with whatever you want. At least, that was what I understood. But it does sound weird out loud, so I get why some people object to it.

    Nowadays (always in Spanish), the inclusive language has shifted to using the -E. Instead of saying “TODOS” (everyone, masc. or masc. and fem.) or “TODAS” (everyone, fem.), some people say “TODES” (everyone, masc./fem./any).

  • I feel you about the eating. My mom had/has anorexia and she dumped her traumas on me as I was growing up. I ended up on the opposite spectrum of EDs, and it’s a lifetime struggle. Now that I live alone, I try to mitigate things by not having too many things at home. But it doesn’t always work. I try to acknowledge the bad, but not let it bring me down. Tomorrow I will do better.

    This week has started good. I decided, last night, to install Ubuntu and set up a dual boot with Windows 10, as to prepare myself for an eventual full migration. I’ve had Ubuntu in the past, so I’m very familiar with it. I had to go through the installation twice due to drivers, but using the “safe mode” installation seemed to do the trick. Now I have to remember to do the hardware clock command next time I boot into Ubuntu, because it keeps messing with Windows’ clock. (I already bookmarked the solution.)

    I hope you feel better soon, and that the rest of your week goes well!

  • You deserve a break. You’re a great admin, and I admire that you and the other admins are always thinking of ways to interact with us aside from the “official” title. I can’t begin to imagine how draining it must be to do all you do to keep a community like this running. I’m sad that y’all have to deal with this. I wish you didn’t have to go through it. That it would all just magically run well and you’d be here with us, commenting and very rarely having to put on the “hat”. Take care, alyaza. We’ll be(e)have! 🐝