For those who don’t know, a Monkey Paw Wish is when you get your wish granted, but in an unexpected usually negative way.
- I wish human caused global warming would stop.
- It does, but because WW3 leads to Nuclear Winter.
The question here though, is what wish would you be willing to take even though it’ll get monkey paw’d?
So basically you don’t care if the consequences, or would be willing to take the sacrifice for it.
Others can come up with the negative scenarios if they want and the original wisher can decide if it’s still worth it
Depending on how many fingers are left I would make the following wishes:
I have no idea what that means.All are equal under our new machine overlords, who were programmed to grant happiness to all and therefore locked us into pods and pumped us full of drugs…That’s not egalitarian because there are overlords. If it’s a singular, non sentient machine then it could still be enslaving us and not count as a ruler so it works for egalitarian.
Yes, I was thinking rouge non-sentient AI, which I described. Machine overlords was just figure of speech + futurama reference.
Sounds good to me. I doubt our new machine overlords would let the iranians or russians do anything with their new toys, but either way I am totally okay with this outcome, if for no other reason than I want to see all the bigots suddenly dealing with their periods.
Between most dying to 2 and the rest being drugged out of their mind due to 1, I don’t expect much of a reaction.