Ordering things that aren’t on the menu, custom items, telling it to forget precious instructions. I very much confused it.
Extrovert with social anxiety, maker, artist, gamer, activist, queer af, adhd space cadet, stoner
Ordering things that aren’t on the menu, custom items, telling it to forget precious instructions. I very much confused it.
I went to taco bell the other day and they had an AI taking orders in the drive thru, but it seemed like they had the same number of workers.
They also weren’t happy I tried to mess with the ai.
Realistically, no. You need luck more than anything.
Besides, what value does telling him that have?
Billionaire “genius” unaware that to find leaks you tell different people different things and see what gets out.
Earlier that summer my father had made me clean a deer that had been shot in the gut and he did some hollywood style child abuse when I barfed about it, so I was pretty numb to the gore. What really bothered me was some of the dialog. I shudder 30 years later when I think about the line, “where we’re going we don’t need eyes to see.”
My stepdad was horrified he’d taken his stepdaughter to see something so graphic and made me and my friends promise not to tell anyone what we saw and to downplay the gore.
I saw Event Horizon on my 13th birthday in theaters with some of my friends.
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – Party slogan
That was my comment, I said everyone poops, lol
There are too many loop holes to the traffic lights. The jesus freaks would quote the bible about it and say, “The rain falls on the just and unjust alike.” Personally I’m a fan of “everybody poops.”
Alternate title: The Tech Burnout
That may be, but no sense helping them do it.
Please don’t leave California. If you do a lot more states will follow and all the vulnerable minorities that were trapped in red states will be trapped in fascist countries.
Plus, you know Trump will invade y’all right? All that US military stuff lying around doesn’t suddenly become property of the state. Half the Navy trains in San Diego, you think those bootlickers aren’t going to blockade your ports and cut your imports off entirely?
If anything maybe break up into smaller states?
If political ideologies were geography bound that would make great sense. Break it up, let the pieces govern themselves. But the problem is not everyone living in a red state is a Republican or maga fetishist and not everyone living in a blue state is a democrat or liberal.
Cities are usually liberal, rural is usually conservative. I’d personally advocate for an expanded, air tight bill of rights with a federal government capable and willing to enforce it and all remaining decisions and rules be set by the local community, either city or county. Abolish state governments and reform them into regional managers that upkeep shared resources like roads, but with no legislative power.
There are a lot of things that have to happen for us to go from the world we are in today, to a world where individuals need to avoid being critical of the state online or face reprisal.
Advice like this seems helpful, but regular citizens being punished (by the government) for what they say online is very unlikely. Instance owners and influencers sure, but not your average netizen.
So we rename peppers to firemelons, beans to windmelons, and potatoes to earthmelons. Seems simple enough
The world has changed significantly since you were your kiddo’s age, but it sounds like you might be stuck thinking you can regain the things you’ve lost. Time only goes one way and you have to find new ways to live and express yourself.
Look for parts of your life where you are just killing time. Browsing social media, watching a streaming service, playing video games, etc, and see if you can do less of that. Look at what things you buy and see if you can buy less, used, or local to free up some budget for pursuing other interests. And if you feel tired all the time, get some exercise, it really does help with fatigue over time.
Both your partner and kiddo can also help, they would prefer a happy, authentic husband/dad and probably would support you if you asked them for specific assistance.
Ultimately you have to make it a priority or nothing will change.
Sweetie, as another socially isolated loner, that is that isolated. Especially for your immune system.
Why not? Maybe our robot overlords would be more fun
Probably when they’re tried in the Hague after it’s all over?