I’ve turned a couple of old desktop computers into my homelab. They are currently “stacked” on top of each other with a Raspy, router and switch on top and a UPS on the side.

To my eye this looks “pretty enough” but it doesn’t score high on the Wife Approval Rating and I would really like to turn it into a “pretty” little rack. Hence, the question: how to do it? Which parts should I get?
I’m mainly having a hard time finding some kind of “rack case” so that I can insert my desktop HW into it; should I buy a server and strip it out?

Just a few more info:

  • My homelab is extremely silent (since it sits close to my desk) and I would very much like to keep it this way. I absolutely don’t want server fans screaming at me all the time.
  • It would be cool to have a “NAS like” enclosure for the NAS drives that currently sit inside a normal desktop case.
  • I’m UK based, I know in the US might be easier to get all this stuff, but any tip or help is highly appreciated anyway.
  • SplatterGasp@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    I have seen people get nice furniture second hand like a half cupboard/storage unit/etc from second hand shops and install racks into them and mount everything in there and cut some vent holes at the back.

    For extra points wack some flowers and a photo of your wife on top with a doyley.

    I have seen one guy even model the air flow on his computer to find the right ventilation setup