• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Those are some pretty broad, sweeping generalizations. I typically don’t answer calls because 9 times out of 10, its a spam call and I’m just tired of dealing with it. I do have some discord friends who are pretty good ones Ive known for a long time but I also have friends from school, work, ect.

    I’m sure plenty of other people in this thread are like that too but I don’t see how exactly this harms you. I think you’re overreacting to this and also projecting a lot of your insecurities about the issue onto others around you. People are going to live their lives, that’s never going to change and worrying about it especially to this extent is a very unhealthy mindset to have .

  • On Friday 22 July 2011, Norway was hit by two terrorist attacks. The bomb attack on the government quarter and the mass murder on Utøya are the worst acts of terrorism in Norway since the Second World War. The attack was politically motivated.

    The perpetrator wanted to hit the state, the Labor Party and the party’s youth in AUF.

    At the AUF camp on Utøya in the Tyrifjord, 69 people were killed. 32 of those killed on the island were under the age of 18. The two youngest were only 14 years old. It took just over an hour from the time the police received information about the shots on the island until the perpetrator was arrested.

    There were a total of 564 people on Utøya when the terrorist attacked. 495 survived by hiding in buildings, under dead friends, on mountain slopes or by swimming ashore.

    The perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik, is serving a sentence of 21 years in prison. In court, Breivik admitted to having committed the murders, but he pleaded not guilty.

    • China’s State Security Ministry reported that two military personnel were tasked with shredding 200 secret military documents, but instead sold them to a recycling plant for less than $4 total.-

    • A retiree named “Grandpa Zhang” then purchased 4 volumes of these confidential documents from the recycling plant for only 85 cents.- Realizing the documents were marked “confidential” and “secret”, Zhang reported them to authorities. The State Security Ministry then seized the documents.-

    • The ministry criticized the military personnel involved for their “weak sense of confidentiality” and “greed for convenience’s sake”, but said the incident did not result in a significant intelligence leak.-

    • The ministry used this incident as part of a push to encourage the public to report national security lapses through a hotline

    I don’t usually care about news from China, but I did find a bit of humor in this