☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

  • 2.1K Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2020


  • There is zero basis for your assertion that majority of immigrants weren’t able to find jobs their skills aren’t transferable. This affects certain professions to be sure, however plenty of people like software developers have skills that are very much transferable. Drivers are able to find jobs because those are the kinds of low paying jobs immigrants get, not because their other skills weren’t useful. And yes it very much does boil down to opportunities available, which in UK are slim to none even for people born there.

    If you’re going to claim that lack of transferable skills was the core issue, then do provide a source to support your assertion.

  • Nice historical revision there, but those far right parties, who all have close ties with Russia and/Putin personally, have been very in favour of the Russia invasion of Ukraine right up to the point where they stopped winning.

    [citation needed]

    Huh? What collapse? I certainly haven’t noticed it, and the tiny drops of aid to Ukraine certainly haven’t been the cause of it. In fact, the most-opposed countries have given less than a tenth of a percent of their GDP.

    Ah yes, I’m personally unaffected by the events in the world around me, therefore they’re not happening. The economic war with Russia has obviously been the cost for things like rising energy prices, which led to collapse in industrial production in Europe, and made it impossible to compete with China. The most opposed countries are now having massive cost of living increases, business failures, and showing complete lack of economic growth.