ignore my previous comment which I deleted and make sure your hue network and firmwares are fully updated. some devices where/are still exploitable today if the update is not applied.
ignore my previous comment which I deleted and make sure your hue network and firmwares are fully updated. some devices where/are still exploitable today if the update is not applied.
deleted by creator
my hue devices support Bluetooth and Zigbee devices to allow for management through an app or a hue hub.
even if you do not use it, it will be available and active, and it explains your issue. I have had my neighbors lightbulbs added to my Zigbee network before I kicked them out, and I will imagine his cloud service saying about the same as you experienced.
but, I will not try to argue this any further, I just offered a probable reason, as that was what you asked for.
good luck in your investigation 🙂
that is probably someone who is connecting / pairing your Zigbee bulbs to their network/mesh.
it has nothing to do with the cloud service.
if you are not using Zigbee yourself, they auto join open Zigbee networks after reset or when they are not connected to a Zigbee network, so if the other person is adding a new device he or she owns, the bulbs will also join his network in that process.
unsure if you can switch Zigbee off in the app or not as I have never used the app, so you would have to figure out how to do that yourself or make them join a Zigbee network you own.
hope this helps and hope you get it sorted.
(edit, added line about cloud service)
or you might be unable to decrypt them at all
or, if it was a LG phone, could they be encrypted?
if so, perhaps this will help https://github.com/kamicater/LG-Gallery-Decryptor
if you have access to a windows computer, or perhaps wine can work?, there might be a solution in the bottom of this thread where someone had a similar problem
haven’t tested it, so do some antivirus checks on the tool before you decide to test it just to be sure.
good luck, hope you get it sorted
does gentoos emerge --rageclean count?
[–unmerge, -C WARNING: This action can remove important packages! Removes all matching packages following a counter governed by CLEAN_DELAY. This does no checking of dependencies, so it may remove packages necessary for the proper operation of your system. Its arguments can be atoms or ebuilds. For a dependency aware version of --unmerge, use --depclean or --prune. For a version with CLEAN_DELAY=0, use --rage-clean.
(edit, added context from “man emerge”, rageclean mentioned the last sentence)