As demand as unsurprising as it is unreasonable.
Yup, that sounds like Trump’s spiritual advisor, all right. On the other hand, he’s not looking to render the poor down for biofuel production unlike Thiel’s Guru Yarwin, so there’s that I guess.
Meanwhile, the FBI apparently has plenty of resources to run around persecuting people not for their actions, but for their environmental views. Forget neo-nazis and traitors, who clearly only wants what’s best for their country - the lovable little scamps. /s
Skyrim can be played as either, though I personally do prefer 1st person in the case of Skyrim. I specifically said ‘3rd person RPG’ because the point I was making wasn’t limited to just Skyrim, and anything played 3rd person is obviously where it’s important to my experience of, ah… the game. Yes, totally of the game.
For me it’s not even about gender identity or role playing. If I’m going to spend 200 hours in a 3rd person RPG looking at a character’s ass, that ass had better be female.
This is my surprise face: (・―・)
I don’t, no. I do wonder how many pounds of cocaine a person has to snort to make a statement like that without vomiting from abject self-loathing in the process though.
This is some serious world class assholery.
Apparently, slashing their budgets to the tune of $660 million, will:
“…strengthen the food system for schools and childcare institutions…”
Do you guys think they realize just how full of shit they sound?
Thanks, buddy. I appreciate it.
I have no idea why Milei and Trump though that play would work, but I guess you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Of course, geopolitics isn’t a sport, and misses tend to permanently piss other people off.
Anyway, what’s left on the list of places and peoples Trump hasn’t tried to fuck over yet? Belize?
So let me get this straight: He’s against vaccines, but in favor of administering steroids to children? Okay, relax Satan.
Even though anon took credit for it.
Not that I’m doubting you, but do you have a source for that? It’d be a pretty valuable addition of the thread.
I find that being incinerated has made the one depicted in the article considerably prettier. At least it has both curves and some color now.
I don’t disagree, but my problem is the ways in which it clearly isn’t Fallout. Specifically, FO has some deep lore that justifies the existence, mannerisms and internecine postures of the various factions, but here it’s apparently just… Waves of nutters take the first opportunity to move into a radiological quarantine zone and set up shop as conveniently thematic gangs for… reasons.
“Just think about it lads! Not only can we live in a place that’ll kill us on the cellular level, but we can wear theatrical facepaint - don’t ask where we’re getting a steady supply of that - like a 24/7 Kiss revival concert! It’ll be awesome! There’ll be matching top hats for everyone. Millinery is a real growth industry in here. Mind the mercury.”
But other than that, it looks fun enough.
Edit: Spelling.
I’m currently using Sayonara, but Rythmbox is perfectly fine too.
You… grinds teeth may… have a point.
I have a confession to make: Unless shell script is absolutely required, I just use Python for all my automation needs.
There’s a lot of things that could be included in such a program that would be useful for the general population to know both in times of war and in peace. Civil defense and emergency response. First aid, evacuation of wounded/incapacitated people from dangerous areas. Basic firefighting, shelter locations and evacuation protocols etc.
A lot of things could happen. Maybe Unicorns will be discovered in the wild tomorrow, which would be about as likely as this happening.