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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • You can use localectl to change the locale on Fedora. Here’s what you need to do:

    • See if you have Japanese locale installed. Something like ja_JP.UTF-8 should be in the output of localectl list-locales.
    • If it’s not, you should install it using the following command: sudo dnf install langpacks-ja (I’m not 100 % sure about this and I don’t have a Fedora system to test it on.)
    • Set the locale: sudo localectl set-locale LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
    • Reboot your system. Everything should be in Japanese now.

    This will (probably) change everything to Japanese – texts in menus, error messages in the terminal, and also the font rendering. This answer on Stack Overflow suggests to do something with your fonts.conf. This way your UI would be in English (or your preferred language) and kanji would render as the Japanese variants.

  • Regolith packages preconfigured i3wm (and now Sway) alongside basic utility apps (file manager, image viewer etc.) and GUI configuration manager. Notifications and similar stuff, which you have set up manually in some window managers, works out of the box. I’d call Regolith a full blown desktop environment. Too bad it’s intertwined with apt so much, so porting it to distributions other than Ubuntu and Debian is complicated.

  • I very much enjoyed Command line text processing with Coreutils. It helped me when I was writing my thesis, which basically consisted of several (quite long) pipelines. It would have been quite helpful if I’d known awk, so I’ll check this book out!

    The web version looks very nice, but the PDF version feels a bit iffy (maybe a bit cheap?) to me — for example there are some bad pagebreaks (e.g. between pages 9 and 10 or pages 14 and 15). How do you create it? Perhaps you should get more hands-on with the typesetting. (I’m no expert on typography, but it would be a shame if your work was detracted from by the little imperfections that some people are sensitive to.)

  • XFCE is excellent. It’s the first DE I have used after switching to Xubuntu from Windows XP. Everything made sense to my Windows grown brain and everything was extremely customizable; an ideal DE for me! I stopped using XFCE after I switched to i3, but I still used a bunch of XFCE applications for a while.

    One of the drawbacks of XFCE is that many GTK applications are written for Gnome first, so most applications which use GTK look funky in XFCE with their menus hidden in buttons etc. It made looking for apps that would fit the æsthetic a chore. (I don’t think there’s this dichotomy in the Qt world, i.e. LXQt apps wouldn’t look out of place in KDE.)