ghost riding the apocalypse cuz there’s no way off this ride

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Stop letting him. You don’t owe him even an explanation. The nicest thing you could do for him would be to let him figure it out with as much time as he needs to do so. He hasn’t listened thus far or had any appreciable or effective consequences that gave pause to or caused change in his behaviors. I think you probably know this and are just looking for confirmation.

    Take yourself and your family back. Why let someone like that be a further influence?

  • I don’t see an issue here.

    1. try to explain your downvotes, or, better yet, voice your disagreement and have a discussion without relying on downvotes to express yourself. Use your words.

    2. when you feel it necessary and that using your words isn’t working, upvote/boost everyone but the person in question. Realize downvotes don’t really do what you’d hoped and are a poor crutch and means of expression. Elevate what you do agree with. Worry less about what you don’t.

    3. just don’t care about internet points. As others have said and covered extensively.

    Hopefully, what remains is that conversations are important. Having an outlet for undescribed/unformed/ambiguous disagreement/dissent really doesn’t add anything to anything for anyone. Making a point or saying something correct is more valuable than shooting down those you find to be incorrect. And, ultimately, it’s not just what you think that matters. The consensus of the group and the conversation that gets them there, the experience and the interchange and the community itself are all much more valuable than the destination of a single conversation.

    Edit: (And, for the record, while I disagree with your assessment, I’ve boosted and upvoted your thread, because I think the conversations being had here are valuable and worth seeing by more people.)

  • Ya know what was a foundational part of the American dream? Pensions. Ya know which employers still offer them? Counties, states and the federal government.

    Private companies exist solely to make the people at the top very rich based on the stolen value of employee labor while dumping catastrophic losses in the public sphere. That’s capitalism in a nutshell.

    You’d have to be unbelievably gullible, naive, traumatized AND brainwashed to be a diehard for a system like that. But, somehow they’ve managed it. A deluded nation of Amway top performers just one move away from making their own imaginary millions. All simping for the system.

  • I make a concentrated pot of assam black tea, chamomile, cinnamon, black pepper and cardamom on the stove every couple days. Keep it refrigerated, dilute it as needed and drink it from about 7am-2pm. The mix keeps me awake enough, but the chamomile takes the edge off and keeps me from getting anxious. The cinnamon, black pepper and cardamom help my stomach from getting mad about everything I eat and tastes good. Assam black tea has a maltier flavor I really like, much less tannic. Sometimes, I’ll add fresh turmeric, ginger, citrus peel or other things.

    Used to drink coffee, but it’s just too harsh for me anymore. I really like tea.