Canadian-American software developer living in Japan since 2015. Into gardening, DIY, permaculture, etc.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I oppose the death penalty in very nearly every circumstance. I think that prisons should be more about rehabilitation that just brutish punishment (but the punishment exists at least in part to avoid extra-judicial attacks by the victims who feel the perpatrator was not justly punished). Some people, of course, cannot be rehabilitated and, in that case, I would lean toward life in prison.

    I’ve been living in Japan the better part of a decade and don’t have strong opinions on anime or the like (I couldn’t tell you what KyoAni has made)

  • I actually got board, got a new HDD, and got linux mint on it. It doesn’t seem to have a bootloader installed and trying to install grub2 hasn’t changed anything. I’m also pretty disappointed in game support. Maybe I’m missing something, but Steam knows it’s on linux and a huge number of games in my library just say they run on windows or windows and mac.

  • Normally, I would roast a chicken (Turkey is expensive and too big for my Japanese oven and Goose is also expensive and I have no experience with it), make dressing, roast some veg, make mashed potatoes and gravy, and probably make something like brownies for dessert. This year, we’re going to hang out with friends of the wife, so I’m not sure what the plan is.

    I am making oatmeal-chocolate-chip cookies, though, using my grandma’s old recipe. I actually put in a bit less sugar today and they turned out more like she used to make, so I’m guessing some things were left out of the recipe. I guess it’s also possible that the type of sugar differing is an issue (we don’t really have brown sugar that’s the exact same here in Japan as in the US, and we also tend not to use granulated sugar in a lot of stuff) as I’d end up with rather flat, crispy cookies rather than the more pillow-y type like I made this morning. Shortening could also differ somehow, I guess, from the Crisco she used.

  • I play a mix of characters. If they’re voiced, I tend to prefer feminine voices. I think there are a number of reasons for this, but one practical one is that I just hear better in a higher range for whatever reason (and this gets more true the older I get). I have a much easier time hearing higher-pitched voices and generally find them more pleasant.

    If they’re not voiced, it depends upon if I’m role-playing something specific. If so, I’ll pick whichever I think fits best. If not, I’ll probably pick a female character just because I find them more pleasing to look at. I always wanted to go back and do a female V playthough of Cyberpunk, but I just never got around to it.

    Years ago, in the early 2000s, I got in to MMOs with Final Fantasy XI. I played mostly female characters there because people were more likely to help out.