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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • ^ disinformation.

    The way this post is written is a lie.

    Journalists aren’t moonlighting as terrorist, what Israel actually said in the article was that they don’t care if you are a journalist or a terrorist, even telling Hamas’s story makes you a valid target for state-sponsored murder.

    This opinion conflicts with international law and makes Israel the one worthy of scrutiny.

    Asked about the al-Aqsa network casualties, a senior IDF spokesperson told reporters in the Gaza project consortium that there was “no difference” between working for the media outlet and belonging to Hamas’s armed wing, a sweeping statement legal experts described as alarming.

    “It’s a shocking statement,” Adil Haque, a law professor at Rutgers University in the US said, describing the position as showing “a complete misunderstanding or just a wilful disregard for international law”. ‘Reporting is not direct participation in hostilities’

    Almost as soon as Israel began its aerial bombardment of Gaza in response to Hamas’s assault on southern Israel in which 1,200 people were killed and about 250 taken hostage, the al-Aqsa headquarters were evacuated as executives believed the IDF would target the organisation, two sources said.

    Please stop lying.

    Under the laws of war, a journalist can lose their civilian status if they engage in planning, preparing or carrying out combat operations. Simply working for an organisation such as al-Aqsa does not make someone a legitimate target to be killed.

    “Reporting the news is not direct participation in hostilities,” Janina Dill, a professor at the University of Oxford and expert in the laws of war, said. “Even if they reported the news in a biased way, even if they did propaganda for Hamas, even if Israel fundamentally disagrees with how they report the news. That is not enough.” Combatants and civilians

    Multiple Israeli sources said there had been a permissive approach to targeting across the IDF in a war aimed at the “total destruction of Hamas”.

    Israel is a pseudo-Nazi state carrying out a Holocaust.

  • Which is also something the president had control to protect prisoners from.

    But instead went, “It’s gonna go big in cities, kill lots of democrats, let it run loose!”

    Then that plan backfired and it went rampant in republican areas as democrats masked up and got vaccinated…

    The president at the time made zero effort to do anything other than hide behind a curtain and go, “The virus isn’t real! Trust me I tell the truth!”, then spent months saying insane things with no evidence to substantiate any of it. Tens of thousands of rural citizens trusted him and died following his advice.

    One final note, this was less than a few years after dismantling and defunding Obama’s virus response task force which had been assembled so that the US would be prepared for virulant events.

  • That question is not worth pursuing. Remember you are using rational thought processes and you don’t have an emotional investment in the outcome. You’re talking to people who have made it part of their personality so when you attack that idea, they perceive that you are attacking them personally. They don’t understand the powerful indifference of science. Science doesn’t give a shit who is right, but they are too sensitive for that, they need a safe space.

    And as a matter of fact after the damage is caused, the people who are currently paying to produce and distribute climate misinformation are most certainly positioned to profit from the resulting devastation in whatever way they can.

    Spread disinformation that there is no change, meanwhile pivoting your investments around the coming change. Some people truly will say or do anything for power and influence.

    Conservatives aren’t interested in pulling this thread, or as many conservatives have said… “If given the choice of knowing the truth or staying conservative I’ll stay conservative.”