Amateur Radio Guy (General Class Ticket), Python Programmer, UX implementor, Father, Husband of 25 years, Brewer, Technologist, Home Chef, Linux/Unix Whitebeard, Buddhist, Artist, Maker, Guitarist, Sailor, Generally Pervy Old Bastard.

Champion of Reason, Logic, and Philosophy.
Antifascist Punk.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • @djidane535

    Interesting but not really helpful. I found something in a recent FAQ that says I should add an article instead of a post, but the option to add an article is not on the menu on my instance, as it is in their screenie

    Also I’m a mastodon user, and my account there is the focus of my microblogging activity. The user there follows this account, so my posts here, show up there. The short story is, the microblog here is essentially a right pain in my ass.

    At least now I know what it is.

  • @gentleman


    I too tried to flee reddit for, over a year ago now - and found it to be a far worse clusterfucked shitstorm than reddit ever was, and I mean that ideologically, philosophically, politically, and morally.

    I just didn’t go back until the current exodus, mainly because I was trying to see if the account still worked, and it had been lost/purged/banned whatever

    fuck those guys and the horse they rode in on, then far as I’m concerned, they can ride it back out of here wet.

    Might as well federate with facebook.