Jury Nullfication is the People’s Presidential Pardon
I think we need to define TV.
¿Is that like short form content for boomers with longer attention spans?
Absolutely. I was tired of watching regurgitated bullshit. If your media is making me check my phone ever 5 minutes or less your media is garbage. I can go to an EDM show and listen from 5 to 8 hours of music and forget I even have a phone.
looks like it boils down to odysee vs playeur . . .
<types in safari> But what about Apple?!?! Can’t they strong arm this?
So what it boils down is companies are going to try to cut off their user base if they don’t view ads? People will complain they can’t view their page and cancel their subscription? Nobody’s going to willingly install a browser that won’t let you install an adblocker, right?
Can someone explain how the server is going to know whether or not the client browser is showing the ad? A stealthy browser would say, “hey yeah send that ad so I can render it to the user” and the server says, “yeah ok” and then <doesntRenderAdOnClientDevice>. How is the server going to know whether the ad is displayed or not? Don’t current gen adblockers not even retrieve the asset? If the asset was retrieved but not displayed, how (if even) can this be monitored?
This just in, A small medium at large