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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • There is no such thing as easy or hard.

    Give it a try, fuck it up, and give it a try again. Try not to fuck it up in the same way as the first time. Repeat until it works - it will work eventually.

    It took me about 6 hours and 3 disk re-formats my first time. I was particularly bad at it. I barely knew what a disk was, nevermind a partition.

    Actually I’m still not sure what a partition is.

    You’ll do fine :)

  • It really depends on the parameters of the thought experiment.

    If everyone suddenly received a lot of money, there would be a wild period of adjustment before we figure out the pricing system again and life continues as normal. Even though there’s a lot more money, there is not magically more TVs to buy. Nor would we all start building tv factories - there’s not magically more copper or concrete to buy either.

    If we all got more money and buried it in our yards and swore never to use it, then nothing has changed. For the sake of the thought experiment, someone would break the promise (I would - I want air conditioning), and then everyone else would break it too, and we end up in the previous situation.

    If everyone were suddenly truly wealthy - as in stuff / things - some might think we would chill out and coast for a while. But having satisfied our big needs ( I am not being hunted by tigers) and our medium needs (Air conditioning, yay!), I imagine humanity would just keep working - there are always more problems to solve / there is always more work to do.

  • I pay attention to credit card readers.

    I have gotten to know their makes and some models. I have developed preferences. When I go to a run down establishment and they have a nice reader, I am pleasantly surprised. I know that walmart uses ingenico isc250s, and they do not support tap. I know that dunkin has high quality readers, and sometimes tim hortons does too, but less frequently.

    When leaving a place, I might say something like “damn, you don’t see that model of verifone very often”, and my friends will look at me funny.

    Semi-related, did you know that most receipt printers have embedded telnet servers in them?

  • sandalbucket@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlWall to Wall.
    3 months ago

    At least outlook can right click for spellcheck. Wait, actually it can’t do that.

    At least you can download your email attachments to a folder? Wait actually you can’t do that either.

    At least the 15-minute meeting warnings still pop up consistently? Oh. Oh no.

    “Are you sure you want to post this comment? Would you like to upload to sharepoint and send a link instead?”

    No outlook I would not like that, I would never like that

  • Is my file in onedrive? Or on disk? Or is it in sharepoint? Or it could be in a teams chat - but isn’t that just sharepoint? I sent it to Tom also, but it was already in sharepoint because I had sent it to Jim, so it re-named it to something else. Where in sharepoint are my teams files? Or the teams files others have sent me? Is this actually an attachment on my email or is it a “shared link” in disguise?

    I’m not sure what’s real anymore!