It definitely helps that I’m on very compatible hardware (all AMD) :-) But I was also lucky not to have any of the installation hiccups many seem to, just make bootable drive with Rufus/Balena, launch from in BIOS, profit - maybe some people have a green thumb for their distros of choice, who’s to say?
Hey, sorry for not seeing this! I decided to try UBlue Aurora because I love KDE and wanted to try something with it for work. I didn’t get Bazzite for obvious reasons (no intention to game), but I picked something else in the same family because I was considering trying Bazzite for my main computer at the time. However, I don’t think I’ll be trying to fix what’s not broken - Mint (Cinnamon) has been growing on me quite a lot since I posted this!
If there were a KDE implementation of Linux Mint available, I would probably jump on it for all my machines (finally, an excuse to use Warpinator!) but I know there’s no officially endorsed one right now, and am not aware of any analogous distros… unless you count Kubuntu, I guess, but then I’d be missing a lot of those Mint features I’ve grown to love! Cheers to anyone else who’s hopped from Mint because of this thread, though. :)