Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 12

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 9

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Must the Democrats champion good manners ALL the time? Jesus Christ he’s a fascist! Fuck good sportsmanship!

    Who the fuck are you trying to impress? Who’s going to consider this the moment they vote for Biden over Trump?

    “Violence has no place in America.”

    Cops killing citizens. Native genocide. Genocide in Palestine. Protesters being beaten. People using their “rights” being arrested and killed. Slow socially accepted murder caused by poverty. Rights for Queer youth being taken away, which leads to self harm.

    Why do they just give “thoughts and prayers” to Hitler 2.0? Trump isn’t going to be kind with this, he’ll start saying every Democrat is responsible for this. Fuck the “higher moral ground”.

  • Gotta love how people are instantly pulling a QAnon deal of “ITS A FALSE FLAG, FAKE NEWS, NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT A GRAND CABAL!”

    Somehow Trump is a mastermind of this. The dude who can’t hide stolen files properly, can’t lie on his taxes properly, and loses money on a casino, somehow has the ability to rig a false flag assassination attempt.

    Are NeoLibs that so far into the Kool-Aid that Dipshit Trump is also a grandmaster 5D chess player of this, while not being able to string words together? It’s not like he’s ever been a good actor.

    “Now Trump’s gonna say Biden tried to kill him.”

    He already said that.

    “Now Trump’s gonna call for repression of the left.”

    He already did that.

    “Now they’re gonna say Trump is a martyr.”

    They already say that.

    “Now the right is gonna get violent with their political opponents.”

    They already do that.

    “Now the fash are gonna push for an enabling act.”

    They already are doing that.

    It’s equally frustrating and vindicating that people are waking up to the alarms minorities have been sounding for… decades? Even during 9/11, people were saying this is the start of the end for any form of freedom. Then we had economic crash after crash. Then more rights removed. More drone strikes. More illegal wars.

    Then we tried to warn about Trump. No one cared. He won. The people who said he would hurt did get hurt. People acted shocked.

    Biden came in. Ignored the people in jail cells, ignored COVID for better polling, refusing the new powers given to him to do anything better for the country at large, and slowly turning into a walking skeleton.

    And every single time people have said “Hey this is bad for any form of democracy” people said it was overblown, nothing bad would happen. Then it got worse and worse. Voting didn’t solve most of the issues. Protesting did. And then both parties clamped harder on protestors and increased funding to the militarized police.

    Welcome to Weimar Germany, America. People have only warned you for decades. If this doesn’t wake anyone up, then you’ll sleepwalk as you claim ignorance on why you’re “just following orders”.

  • And then blamed for ruining the 2016 American election.

    Snowden showed the government was spying, had to flee, deemed a terrorist. Assange showed the government disobeys the laws it enforces on everyone else, deemed a terrorist. Manning showed that war crimes are constant, deemed a terrorist, subjected to inhumane torture.

    Every time a whistleblower exposes corruption and violations of laws in every country, they are punished. China, Russia, America, England, they’re all guilty of it.