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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • Yes, and that would not be currency. It might be useful to think of this as a tiered system.

    ‘Trade’ is a top-level idea, an exchange between entities. On a tier below that, i.e. a closer specification of ‘trade’, exists ‘barter’ (trading goods for other goods or services) and ‘money’ (trading some representational, notional item for goods/services). ‘Chickens’ as a payment is a further specification of bartering, while ‘currency’ is a further specification of ‘money’ (being ‘money’ defined/in use by a specific power/state).

  • This is not targeted at you nor OP.

    The answer for both you and OP is tied to your last sentence

    so we can all enjoy fried chicken and watermelon on Juneteenth.

    Why fried chicken and watermelon and why on Juneteenth? Do you eat fried chicken and watermelon as part of your normal rotation? (Hopefully, ‘yes’ because both are delicious and everyone should be afforded the opportunity to indulge)

    The issue is that very evidently in both OP’s case and the one you linked that someone was given the prompts “food for celebration” and “celebration of African Americans”, generated “African American party foods”, and churned out a menu reinforcing racist stereotypes. The inquiry is “hey, where is your head at?”

  • Because most protests are about making the lives of normal people miserable until they’re pissed enough to hold someone to task.

    Are the Tories gonna care that Stonehenge was dusted, from in their mansions? Most of them would love to dig up the stones and use them as new countertops, simply as a bragging point at their parties. But normal people that care about landmarks like these will be pissed and, maybe, bitch to the government.

  • Many people have given you answers of varying lengfhs, so I feel free to ask my counter-question…

    You say you had int() and float() but would do you assume would happen if you had just replaced ‘input(Who are you?)’ with ‘int(7)’? What value would be assigned to name if the statement was ‘nam = int(7)’?

    Following the logic you’re espousing in the OP, ‘nam’ would be equal to the string “int(7)” and the print statement would output “Welcome int(7)”. Either you understand why that wouldn’t be the case and should see why your original example works. Or you don’t and you should double check your understanding of functions and keep tapping people here for help.