Retro-tech saavy privacy focused Linux r0ckstar

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • OK; understood and FULLY agree with your registration vs. others that can be gamed by a script kiddy. That question, and response, was part of the reason I chose Beehaw, too - I get it, thanks.

    I get it that hiring new moderators would take some work; and I wouldn’t suggest or support just letting anyone doso - like ME… I think I’m too new to be ‘trusted’ to doso - but it seems like you have many members of the Beehaw community that might want to help, and fit.

    Thanks - I’ll check the list of LemmyNet sites and pick the largest one - I suppose is the ‘WHQ’ and might best fit what I’m wanting… I prefer Beehaw, but since I’m new the LemmyNet I want to see ALL of whats going on - I want to see the influx of Reddit users… I want to see where Lemmy lacks and watch it as it continues to be developed.

    I respect ya’ll choice to defederate, I personally think you should just ask for the community to help w/ your work; regardless of how you try to slow LemmyNet down, when its more successful your jobs are going to grow exponentially. I’d prefer if you didn’t do this; and think you’d be in a better position if you simply deal with LemmyNets growth…

    Thanks for the quick reply, and I aren’t going anywhere - if welcome - but I’ll find a fully-federated LemmyNet to bridge the gap. :P

  • Hmmm; I am new to LemmyNet AND; but have been falling in love with the platforms. However, I do want to see ‘all’ of LemmyNet.

    What is the lemmyworld 'open registration policy? I ask because all I needed to supply to register HERE is a username/password. ??? Isn’t that open registration?

    Second, why not allow more moderators - please don’t feel like you have to go over old stuff… I’m going to read thru some of’s PAST posts that I’m sure talk about this issue - but it seems like theres a great community - if yer having issue w/ moderation, hire moderators; I bet the ‘cost’ is pretty cheap.

    Last; what LemmyNet community should one join if they WANT to see the entire LemmyNet? I came aboard BECAUSE I agreed w/ most of what the site stands for; but since I’m really getting into Lemmy I think I want to be where ‘everything’ is - good and bad.

    Thanks for the explanation - even if confusing for a new user.

  • Everyone here is awesome for ALL the replies. :P Thank you!!

    I decided to try a Cloudflared tunnel, but that didn’t work out because I can’t get the main domain to go thru the tunnel… only ‘apps’, like :P

    And, I’m still ironing out how to pass nginx to another local IP on my network; I just haven’t gotten it to click yet. All the info needed is right here - I promise to come back when I iron out the setup and post how I managed to do it…

    I can figure out how to pass nginx [or apache2, for that matter] to another PORT on the same local IP - I think I have both domains listening on ports 80/443 - and I’ll have to change that in order to route the data correctly… let alone getting out to another local IP.

    Again appreciate all the info - sometimes I just have to learn a bit more since I have all the documents right here. :P

  • LOL… it’ll be easy, I tell ya!

    So I dove in this afternoon, thinking I had all the info I needed to easily get a setup w0rking… I changed my port forwards to the machine - the one running apache2 on a webiste; leaving the not seeing traffic. Then, I created a new virtual host file on the machine;


    <VirtualHost *:80>

        ProxyPass / nocanon
        ProxyPassReverse /
        ServerAdmin [email protected]
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    RewriteEngine on

    RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME}

    RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]


    And ran certbot to get https certs - certification would only be on the machine; all proxied data would be sent over http, but I figured that was OK as its just me accessing the service.

    BUT alas, the setup didn’t work; I have some suspicions… bitwarden is running inside a docker container, so… I dunno if that has something to do with how its listening, and its running nginx; what I thought was that apache2 would simply send all traffic from the domain over to my local IP machine and that machine would just pick it up simple pimple and display to the user going to that domain. Another thought - maybe its because Docker/Bitwarden HAS https in that container - ohhhh, thats a thought; however it still didn’t function correctly before I ran certbot on the setup.

    UGH… more to come - I’m trying options. :/ Grrrrrr. :P

    PS; posting code in Lemmy doesn’t work so great, does it? I used a backtick but didn’t get the results I’m accustomed to…

  • Thanks so much for the reply; others have mentioned the same, or similar, but your response spelled it out… I knew this was what I needed to do [scenerio 2] but I just didn’t have experience with setting up the proxy - I’m technical enough to RTFM and will get this setup today; one thing that was kinda fudging me up was that my Bitwarden machine, where the domain currenty forwards to, runs in a docker container - so I think I’ll actually forward the OTHER domain to the ‘lemmy’ [although its not lemmy, just using your example as the reference…] machine that’s just an Ubuntu server running apache2 for serving the website - and I’ll probably end up using Apache’s Name Based Virtual Host Support instead of your nginx-proxy suggestion - either way, I think its accomplishing the same.

    Appreciate your, and all the other, replies - this thread literally performed better than on the /r/ platform! I’m sold on LemmyNet!