I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 80 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • even taking about issues like this one outside of !worldnews will get you called out for spreading “Republican propaganda” (as you can’t make it seem that Biden and his allies want to expand the current war)

    You are constructing a counter factual universe here and trying to impose the weird viewpoint on everyone else by sheer repetition. Talking about Israel’s crimes, in this or pretty much any other place on Lemmy, is obviously fine. I dare you to find me even a single place where someone talks about Israel and someone else chimes in with “how dare you! You are making Biden look bad!” out of the blue, or anything else that is remotely like that interaction.

    What people respond negatively to, I think, is a specific gang of accounts that tie every single story about anything somewhere in the world back to “And that’s why don’t vote for Biden!” when the pure logic of it (or of him being happy about Israel’s war let alone wanting it to expand) makes no sense at all.

  • Israel can dictate the terms, though. They can just say what they want, and keep killing whether or not Hamas agrees.

    I won’t say Hamas is a good partner for peace because they are not. (And, in fact, their violence and corruption is part of why Likud supports them above other much better Palestinian leadership.) But Israel is the issue. No one who is bombing, starving, and displacing millions of people who just want to live and be able to stop suffering can simultaneously complain that their victims aren’t being reasonable enough in the peace process.

  • Yes.

    This is a fuckin five alarm fire. It’s time to leave the building. Don’t grab your shit, don’t put your shoes on first, fuckin worry about your safety first and foremost because this is an emergency.

    I don’t know what to do, to be honest. I feel like if you just went to DC near the physical location of the Supreme Court at any point in the next week you would see at least a decent number of people carrying signs and yelling. I thought about traveling there and finding them and talking to them about who they’re with and how I can join. I don’t know that that will solve the problem, but I think it would probably put you in touch with people who are at least doing fuckin something about it.

    It will be good to have allies, learn what people are trying to do, maybe some of it will be productive, and then if the real bad shit starts roughly one year from now, at least you have some allies in place. But yes. It’s a fuckin emergency. It’s real, real bad.

  • If you’ve spent any amount of time among people who went to / are in college in their early 20s, and people who were working in their late teens and early twenties, it becomes clear that college arranges for the students to have a managed-for-them life to a degree that I actually think is severely harmful to them. It’s basically a big day care. Education is fuckin fantastic, I’m not saying it’s not, but the nature of the way your life is organized within it to me I think is very bad for people.

    Like yes you know integrals, very good, but e.g. I spoke to a guy who had not paid his phone bill for months, who somehow still had phone service but was genuinely very confused about how the bills he was getting now could have gotten as high as they were. No matter how many times I tried to explain to him, I couldn’t get it across. I finally just gave up the endeavor.

  • You know what? I actually think the answers are almost all pretty solidly productive stuff. Like taking at face value the question and saying “hey here’s how to help the Democrats win since you asked.”

    That was not what I expected. I am – for real – pretty surprised. I think I have well founded reasons for being suspicious of why you would have posted the actual “just asking questions” original post, but the answers (even the discussion from people being real critical of Biden) is fine. Has the Lemmy consensus, even on lemmy.ml, shifted that far away from “let’s not vote for Biden what’s the worst that could happen”?

  • It’s good to see that the propaganda accounts have learned the Fox News trick of having one person innocently ask a question so a bunch of other people can rush in and provide the answer (which is turning out to be, big shocker, that Biden is bad and we shouldn’t vote for him.) As Fox discovered, it seems a lot more organic that way instead of just having someone stand in front of the camera and say over and over “DON’T VOTE FOR BIDEN.”

    I am still waiting for them to learn to make accounts that are supporting Biden but doing a terrible job of it – sort of a Lemmy version of Alan Colmes – like “I’m glad the stock market and GDP are going up so much under Biden, as a rich person I think he’s doing great with the economy and also he’s sticking it to the Palestinians which I obviously support.”

    I’ve seen a little sporadic trickle of accounts with very bad semiconservative opinions and then also supporting certain Democrats, but they seem pretty chaotic and probably like authentic homegrown trolls. I think the real fake-Biden-supporting propaganda potential has yet to be unlocked. I do support this new development in innocent questions, though; it seems like it’s got some potential.

  • I haven’t really had a problem with it… maybe like 5% of the time it will want to do something a little bit weird like wrapping it in ``` but in general it seems like it works well enough to be able to parse with a program and just retry if it does something weird.

    You do have to set it up a little carefully, I guess - like usually I’ll give it an example of what I want it to emit, and that’ll be good enough that that’s the form it will follow when it’s emitting stuff back to me. But yeah if you give it prompting and a specific machine readable thing to give back that seems like it usually works better than sticking with English and hoping it goes “yes” or “no” or etc like that.