2fa is like mandatory nowadays for security purpose. just use TOTP like lemmy with ente or standardnotes as an app. it is easy to just copy and paste TOTP to access your password manager.
Verdana, Tahoma and Source code pro is good for eyes
it is hard if you rely on CUDA and DLSS.
begin with site:reddit.com test is much more accurate to get reddit search on brave search tbh
I tried brave search begin with site:reddit.com test and it still works
I even have diverse reddit queries from last week and even 2 years ago. this workaround is still ok tbh
I tested and it got lots of reddit queries from even 2 years ago afaik.
just begin with site:reddit.com test for ddg and it still works
don’t rely on one OS too much.
Amount of users matters a lot
if you want long battery. MX Mechanical is good