Hi! I’m Lohrun, I run the Kbin instance on fediverse.boo

Consider buying me a coffee to help keep the lights on in the server room! https://bmc.link/lohrun

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I notice myself checking it less and less due to the post sorting algorithm being infuriating. E.g. I’m sorting by “Top 6 Hours” and this post from 7 months ago is in my feed

    Edit: and since I’ve now commented on this post, it’ll likely bubble into other people’s feeds and they’ll be just as confused as I was

  • Wow I appreciate the lengthy response! So where do we go from here? Do we need to add new features that make content more discoverable? Do we need some great sorting algorithm here? Do we need a 3rd party tool that scrapes the fediverse and tells us what we might like? I’m trying to answer a bunch of questions like this. I’ve been messing with ActivityPub in my spare time to see what my implementation of it would look like. I think I have some ideas that could solve some of the issues we are seeing pop up. Honestly I’d love to have some people help me brainstorm features and architect out a system. At the end of the day… I’m on the fediverse because I don’t like Facebook, twitter, instagram, and (now) Reddit. It’s not just the people and the content on those platforms I didn’t enjoy, it’s also how they wanted you to interact with the content. I’m not looking to build a platform clone, I’m looking to build something that can fully utilize ActivityPub and can provide a feature rich experience to the user. Maybe I have too lofty of goals…idk, let me know!

  • That doesn’t seem impossible… I’m not sure what business logic would be needed to make them easily interoperable. Honestly the biggest complaints I’ve read about the fediverse isn’t the UIs available to view content. The issue is the bugginess of federation and the lack of content recommendation algorithms on the platforms.

    I’ve been mulling over the idea of a fediverse content crawler to allow instances to mass federate content to their instance…but then like I said you also need a good recommendation algo as well.

    We have a ton of dev work going into making new UIs for Lemmy but personally I think what I said above should get some love too.

  • For now, I’m just paying for my instance out of my pocket because I wanna see this place grow. Maybe I will need donations to keep it going in the future once it reaches a certain size but I can’t imagine trying to ever profit off keeping this running. I think the real value in federated instances and content is going back to the ways of the early internet, the personal pet projects that motivate people. I’m also personally totally done with being advertised, scraped, and sold…I don’t want to ever do that to anyone else.