• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • I just do not think it’s rational to equate pejoratives and racism.

    In my opinion, it’s not meaningful when you use the word racism to describe something regardless of intent. What it really means is that you have been offended (which of course can be a bad thing as well, but not necessarily). “Offensive”, “rasist” are both words describing the motives of the act, it’s not how you receive it. People will always receive information differently, and that is why I don’t think it’s sane to use the definition you provided. I do believe that your definition of “racism” is not the literal meaning of it either, what does the lexicon say?

    The real issue I see is that it increases the risk of dispute, even when there was no intent to start an argument. I believe this is part of why media is creating such chaos in our society, not for good reasons and just for clicks.

    I respect your answer but I have to disagree.

  • Almost all fights/arguments come out of misunderstandment. It’s not always misunderstanding the situation itself but what led the other person to this situation. Why is he/she saying this? It’s hard enough to also understand what a person is saying. But once you understand both, it’s hard to be upset.

    My other most important value; let others be others. You and everyone can do as you like as long as no one is forced into it as well. Example: someone going through abortion with a fetus not capable of feeling does not affect anyone since it’s unknowing and the abortion itself doesn’t force others into a debate or partaking. However, denying the possibility of abortion will limit the person wanting abortion.

    Edit: what brought me to this was just pure experience and socialization. My second girlfriend helped me get to the first point. The other one I guess my parents instilled.