• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Seconding vim as the universal Unix/Linux editor. It takes a while to become a real vim pro, but learning basic usage is very helpful. Escape to switch to normal mode (where letters trigger functions instead of just typing), i to switch to input mode, : in normal mode to enter commands, :wq to save and quit, :q! to exit without saving - that alone should be enough to cover a lot of basic use cases. If you ever want to learn more, there are plenty of tutorials online.

  • iusearchbtw@lemmy.sdf.orgtoOpen Source@lemmy.mlDistrochooser
    8 months ago

    Why does this quiz have so many fuckin distributions? If a newbie is looking for a distro to install, why would you ever recommend anything more niche than Ubuntu/Mint, or Endeavour if they’re interested in bleeding edge? I answered the questions as though I was new to Linux and got a massive list of every Ubuntu and Fedora derivative, with Manjaro sprinkled in for good measure.

  • I suppose I’d prefer if short games weren’t overly expensive, but I never liked the hours per dollar thing. I don’t like replaying games. I’d rather buy six two-hour indie games for ten dollars each and have each one be at least somewhat unique and engaging, than spend 60 on a sprawling hundred hour AAA game filled mostly with repetition and busywork. Life’s too short for that, you know?

  • man is standard Unix manual pages, while info is a documentation format introduced/popularised by GNU. info pages usually have a lot more information (sometimes including tutorials, guided examples, links to different pages and sections, etc (depending on the project maintainer obviously)) but man pages are the standard and basically everything has one. If you run info [program] for something without a dedicated info page, it will show the man page instead.

  • The article actually addresses this, but I feel “indie games bubble” is simply too broad a term. Is there a medium-high budget indie game bubble? Maybe. But can indie games in general even have a bubble? Fuckloads of indie games are passion projects, or made from crowdfunding money, or otherwise not based around the idea that they have to be the “product” of a sustainable business, making the whole idea of a “bubble” pointless. If the bubble pops, will itch indies stop making games? Will passionate solo devs languishing at double digit Steam review numbers stop releasing games? I don’t think they will.

  • I love when games use as few invisible walls as possible, and don’t stop you from exploring weird places or even out of bounds. There doesn’t even have to be a reward, just the feeling of getting somewhere where you’re not supposed to be is enough. Ultrakill and Anodyne 2 both do this really well.

    I also love rich, responsive, low-restriction movement mechanics, which kinda ties in with the first point. I love when games let me chain all sorts of moves together for wild bullshit midair acrobatics, zipping and bouncing and flinging myself all over the place constantly. Good examples are Ultrakill, Pseudoregalia, Sally Can’t Sleep, and Cruelty Squad. On the flipside, Demon Turf is a game I hated and dropped quickly because of how artificially and pointlessly limited the movement felt.

  • I don’t really get the obsession with backlogs. Are you actually enjoying the games at that point? Are you playing this game because you want to play it, or because it’s on your backlog and you want to be able to check it off the list and move on to the next thing - presumably, since your backlog is so big it warrants a guide - as quickly as possible? Just pick out a game you want to play and play it. Why spoil your own fun?

  • tmux (and GNU screen, its older predecessor) is a terminal multiplexer, which is a fancy phrase used to describe turning one terminal window into multiple terminal windows. It basically turns a single terminal window into a text-based tiling window manager that lets you run different shells concurrently in a single terminal, easily copy text between them, and have other quality of life improvements over using a single raw terminal.

    Imagine you’re SSH’d into a remote machine. Unless you SSH again from a different terminal at the same time, you’re basically limited to a single terminal, and whatever you’re doing is interrupted if your connection drops. tmux runs on the remote machine, which means that if your connection is interrupted, tmux will continue running exactly as you left it, and you’ll be able to reattach to it using tmux attach.

    Or, imagine your video drivers break and you’re forced to troubleshoot in a raw TTY. tmux will let you have a manpage and a shell open at the same time, or three different directories opened side by side. That’s a slightly more convoluted use case, but the point is that terminal multiplexers make it far more convenient to use the terminal in basically any situation that’s not just running a single short command and leaving.