• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022


  • Thanks for the enlightening discussion! I still think it would be better to try anything but guns to try and protect against guns… Yet you made me understand that the situation is to far gone to just take a chance and go defenseless!

    I mean, my next door neighbor is the closest to a “methhead” in the neighborhood, but he’s only a violent alcoholic and never displayed aggression towards strangers… He’s nice and shares his free run eggs with us, so I don’t fear for my life living next door!

    It’s a chicken and egg problem, but your neighbor may not come at you with his gun if he didn’t feel threatened by the one he fears you own! From his perspective, don’t go knocking at the door of someone who might point a gun at you without bringing your own…

    Imagine a defensive tool which would make you feel safe without making people around you scared of you!

    Take care!

  • I was once advised never to discuss this topic with Americans because it’s impossible to have a normal logic discussion… But I’m a bit dumb so I’ll do it anyway! (Assuming you’re American, sorry if I’m mistaken!)

    A couple of points:

    1. You’re right, I’ve never actually seen a bulletproof vest in real life. Notice that your laser focus on the technicality of some vests is very interesting and explains why they are not very common. Yet it doesn’t really implies that it couldn’t work. For example, the slim-fit c’est you’re taking about would be an excellent solution to give a chance to run away. In a similar vein, ABS brakes on a car do not perfectly prevent collisions but still help reduce the severity of accidents.

    2. Regarding your imaginary scenario, please re-read the thread… It seems to me that you’re the first one mentioning the “very frightening scenario”. I’ll skip this one for now since it’s a different topic.

    3. In public, would a concealable vest be good enough against concealable guns? Would a concealable gun be effective against a non-concealable big gun? It seems to me that all your arguments against vests also applies to guns…

    Replacing guns by non-lethal tools would probably be just as effective to disable an attacker, while at the same time being a good first step to detox from this gun addiction, hopefully leading to a reduced number of gun accidents.