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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: May 27th, 2024


  • In January, Stewart received a commendation from the department for responding to “issues related to the houseless population” with “compassion and professionalism toward everyone.” As the Courier Journal first reported, Stewart is facing a 20-day unpaid suspension for helping to cover up a subordinate’s use of force against a man likely experiencing homelessness last year — a suspension he is now appealing.

    What the fuck? They praised the dude for racking up citations. Look, if one person is getting a majority of the citations, clearly the system is flawed to some degree. But they later found he was covering an incident against a homeless person. Talk about flip-flopping.

  • I’m sorry, but repeating the words associated with an actual murder, but not saying “I am going to kill you” is a bit of a stretch to claim terrorism.

    Here is the definition of domestic terrorism from the FBI’s website: “Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.”

    What about this incident is violent?

    EDIT: Just to be clear, I am in no way defending these people. I just think the terrorism charge is overdoing it. Sure, a threat, but terrorism?

  • I’d like to hear an explanation on “craft” beer. The term is largely misunderstood by the lay person. The Brewers Association classifies craft as small (6 million barrels or less a year), independent (25% or less of the brewery is owned or controlled by a beverage alcohol industry member which is not itself a craft brewer) and most importantly, a brewer (has a “Brewer’s Notice issued by the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau, or its successor, or control the intellectual property for one or more brands of beer, have that brand or brands brewed for it in the United States, and have as its primary business purpose the resale of the brand or brands it controls”).

    What exactly from craft beer is being showcased for agriculture? Is the state growing some particularly notable ingredients?