Whic TCG? I sold some old pokemon cards at a shop, was surprised to learn that anime cards were very popular now
Whic TCG? I sold some old pokemon cards at a shop, was surprised to learn that anime cards were very popular now
That game made my head hurt but I so wish I could play it again for the first time. It was so fun
I’ve been playing a LOT of arma 3 rpg’s. So fun trying to smuggle drugs across the map before the police figure out what’s going on.
Next year I’ll probably move over to a larger playbase game with similar gameplay loop, maybe EVE online
I just finished my thesis last semester, it’s a huge milestone. Good luck on yours!
End the workaholic streak and get back to my hobbies, maybe even make new friends via hobbies
I am struggling to find a source, but the tradeoff between road and railways scales with congestion. The infrastructure needed for moving 1000 trucks per hour on a road is much more expensive than 1 truck per hour. Rails, however, scale much more easily, as the freightline is typically closely managed already.
My gut tells me it’s definitely an economic factor. I think it’s because the netherlands has towns that are close together, so burying 1 km of electrical cable could potentially serve more people. In texas, possibly, a km of electrical cable will go from the road to someone’s house
It’s in the numbers too. The netherlands, as a whole, has a population density of 424/km2. Texas has about 1/10th that, at 42.9/km2.
Specifically, I think the abilty to make hydrogren from renewable resources at large-scale will change everything. Hydrogen fuel cells are more space efficient, and require less toxic manufacturing, when compared to current renewable energy generation and storage methods. If hydrogen is seen as cheaper or more green than other power sources, it will change the market completely.
Hydrogen generation is also an active research area, and just this year they’ve have some promising results for renewable hydrogen.
I’ve been wanting to try warthunder but I’ve been turned off the the micro-transaction model. Would you still recommend?
I’ve played other milsims like arma, was wanting something with better air vehicle usage