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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Are these actually counterfeit, or just the extra produced past what is contractually required at the original factory?

    Many Chinese factories will be contracted for say 18 hours of production, but stay open for 24 hours, and the extra is sold on the grey market. Or the product that doesn’t make it through contracted quality control will be sent to the grey market.

    I can’t believe the actual market for these is large enough to actually justify a second factory spitting out duplicates when the original factory can just make extra beyond what’s contracted. More likely the original factory made like 5,000 pairs instead of the 1,000 Trump sold officially, and those are on the grey market as “counterfeits” despite being exactly the same, just not official.

  • That’s an entirely different situation voters would be responding to, and they would only be doing it because they would have no other option. Even then, it 100% would end up being Kamala Harris and a running mate they scramble to find, only because they need the name recognition. Those are totally different circumstances, extremely obvious and avoidable, but still technically not under their direct control like the entire cycle up to now.

    What we have now is the party’s unwillingness to accept that Biden needed to be told not to run again, so we could get a real primary and voters actually deciding. They are only now starting to question the shitty decision when it’s becoming glaringly obvious that an 80+ year old shouldn’t be running again and younger blood is needed.

    The party is run by the old fucks though, and they don’t want to give up what they have to the younger generations. Look at AOC’s seat, it’s the perfect encapsulation of the DNC’s belief that the old fucks should be running everything.

    AOC handily beat Joseph Crowley in the primary with 57% of the vote (against the #3 Dem at the time, a 20 year Congressional veteran, it’s unprecedented), and he still refused to drop out. Instead he stayed on the ballot under a third party where he again lost, with only 7% of the vote. 7% despite being the “safe” politician, with 20 years experience, #3 in the party, the incumbent with all the name recognition in the world, being challenged by an upstart young female “bartender”. The old fucks don’t want to give it up, and will do anything to prevent that, even losing the election entirely to the Republicans, because they aren’t doing it for the country, they’re running for themselves.

  • The rule is there to prevent them from releasing info the NTSB hasn’t done a full analysis on, but that’s not the case here. However, the info was already made public by the NTSB, to the Senate nonetheless.

    In what world does it make sense that Boeing can’t repeat the same thing when talking about it? Boeing isn’t even allowed to repeat what the NTSB as publicly said? That’s insane.

    A judge would throw this out of court if it came before them, as a ridiculous waste of the court’s time.

  • I know. I already addressed that. That’s not where my issue is. My issue is they’re not only saying allegedly but also a possible hate crime when it is clearly a hate crime.

    Instead after looking more, it looks like that’s because the DA has unofficially chosen not to prosecute it as a hate crime for whatever baffling reason. A month after the event and they’ve not filed charges for a hate crime. It doesn’t take a month to figure out whether a white person fighting with a Muslim in a headscarf about being American, then attacking their children and beating them with the scarf, constitutes a hate crime.

    So instead it makes it look like a prosecutor that doesn’t want to prosecute a seemingly slam dunk hate crime as a hate crime, for whatever reason.

  • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe older I get, the less I pretend to care
    12 days ago

    You seem to be under the impression that your opinion of a random meme and joke response comment on the internet is something we should care about. We don’t know each other, this isn’t Facebook, there’s no reason to fake being nice on a site like this. I’ll probably never see you again, your judgement of a random comment means very little to me. My original comment wasn’t meant as any more than a bullshit joke comment, but since you want to make it more…

    I never compared babies to abusers. I compared Stockholm Syndrome to the evolutionary mental and hormonal responses parents have for their progeny. They’re both unconscious mental responses brought on by an external stimulus. An inconvenient comparison of course, but simple.

    Back to the actual topic of the post… I don’t think anyone’s baby is cute, including yours, they’re all ugly bloated sacks of skin. And no the baby’s disproportionate features don’t actually look like either parent at that age. You want it to be true and your mind is giving you what you want.

  • I never said they weren’t capable. I’m just saying that this prosecutor seems to be choosing to not prosecute something seemingly obvious, which just makes them look incompetent. If they want to appear that way to the public, that’s their choice.

    Nothing prevents them from saying that they aren’t going to prosecute it as a hate crime due to exculpatory evidence, instead they seem to be intentionally leaving it in a grey area. Especially since this apparently happened a month ago according to the article. Plenty of time to figure out something so core to the issue. It just makes them look complicit in allowing hate crimes when the public evidence is so glaringly obvious for it.

  • Suburbs don’t prosecute, the county DA does. And this county voted for Biden in 2020.

    You’re right, and Presidential elections don’t do a good job of showing anything about local matters. Gotta look at the local elections. Since you brought it up…

    In the 2022 general election the County Clerk, Criminal District Attorney, Constable, District Clerk, and County Judge elected were all Republican. In fact, the only race not won by a Republican was one of 2 open County Commissioner seats, which a Dem barely won with 51.5% of the vote.

    Notice that Criminal District Attorney, Phil Sorrells ®, was just elected in 2022. Prior to that, he was a Judge for Tarrant County Criminal Court Number 10 for 25 years. I’d be willing to bet if someone went back through his criminal sentencing over those 25 years it would show certain, shall we say, biases in those sentences, they almost always do. Sometimes that quack does come from a duck after all.

  • Or… that’s the result of hormonal changes and the brain creating an excuse for the cognitive dissonance that results. It’s an evolutionary trait to further propagation of the species, nothing more. Your mind tricking you into liking something because you created it. The human mind creates fantasies all the damned time typo cope with situations.

    In a different context. Your abuser isn’t that bad, they provide for you, give you a place to stay, and clearly care for you, just in their own way. Clearly they actually love you and you need to return those feelings to show your appreciation. The physical abuse is only a small punishment when you misbehave, you deserved it.