• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Also the “we’re setting things up for you” or whatever user-dumb-hide-details crap the Teams PWA throws on your screen while launching is just… As if there was a live team of engineers carefully configuring your current Teams instance so that it starts up right. (A bit off-topic, but current trend of software “speaking to users in patronising manner” is annoying af. Unless it’s up to or exceeding HAL-3000 level, it should be abolished.)

  • I certainly think factory farming is unethical (I wish to put a stop to it, even) and that killing animals is bad.

    Hey, we’re exactly the same in this respect! The only difference being other talking the talk instead of walking the walk.

    The fact that something had to die in order for me to get my daily sustenance …

    Ah, the good ole “circle of death” a.k.a appeal to nature fallacy.

    Factory farming is horrible for the environment … but the way we produce protein plants is bad for the environment as well, especially if farmed at the level needed to sustain a civilization.

    We have to feed the animal mass, hence the double impact on environment. Your argument is actually in favor of veganism, not against it.

    Logically, if we wanna live as ethically as possible, we should just kill ourselves so that we don’t have to eat anything

    To live and be dead at the same time? That sure sounds logical. Veganism is about reducing harm done to animals as much as is practically possible.

    I’m simply willing to compromise at a closer point than you are in how evil I’m willing to be. Eliminating evil from the world is impossible, so you must be able to be content with a harsh and cruel world or you will not be very mentally healthy.

    Some people choose even closer point than you in how evil they’re willing to be. Without going into gory examples, I guess you’d just be content with it? I mean even if it’s not illegal doesn’t mean it’s right, right?

    Humans were also built to eat meat … The reason we have sharp teeth and front-facing eyes …

    Yes, exactly like lions.

    “When humans eat flesh, we don’t actually tear it with our cuspids. Instead, we soften meat with cooking and then pre-tear it with utensils before grinding it down with our flattened molars, which are particularly well-suited for chewing vegetation.” Source

    Human beings are still apart of nature even as far as we’ve come today, and throughout history, attempts to completely shut out our nature have usually come back to bite us in the ass.

    You buying your meat at the store, nicely vacuumed has nothing to do with nature. Despite any lion fantasies.

    There’s also the fact that there are so many things I’d rate higher on the totem pole of evil (I can list some of them if you want) in modern society, and things I simply need to deal with with much more urgency, that I and many others ain’t got time to worry about farm animals.

    This is an example of the laziness I was talking about in the earlier comment.

    From Nazis’ perspective, they’re simply making the world a better place by getting rid of their, you guessed it, oppressors.

    Now this is not lazy. It’s 4D chess or something. Anyway I’ve lost the plot already.

    Making fun of Jews would be punching up if you go by their logic.

    You could try that at a comedy club. (A place not run by Nazis ofc.)

    Meanwhile, making fun of pedophiles also implicates those who are simply unfortunate enough to be stuck with the illness and don’t actually cause any harm.

    Yes, that’s unfortunate. Hope they get the treatment they deserve.

    I wouldn’t put factory farming on the same level as the Holocaust. Despite using similar technologies and methods, factory farming has an actual goal, that being to ensure that people get fed and that civilization doesn’t, y’know, collapse due to famine.

    Factory farming has a goal alright. It’s to destroy the global ecosystem and bring profit to multi national corporations while doing it. In fact, if most of the population went plant based, the soil would be used to grow stuff that could be utilized straight by humans, thus removing the animal from the equation. Also, there would be enough of food to easily feed the whole world population.