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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • But I’m scared of Monad transformers and lenses. Can’t I just use elm? Elm is so perfect, so pure, so very very pure. And so pretty. And so robust. And so instantaneous to compile, and with such helpful error messages. Come to me, haskell programmer, you’ll never want to leave. Never leave… Always elm… Lovely lovely elm…

  • I’m not versed enough in that industry to speak authoritatively on it.

    In the tax avoidance industry? No, me neither.

    I’m not sure why you lend such credence to stuff churned out by people with such obvious and clear self-interest in the assertions they’re making. “Grown-ups taking over running the country from incompetents and disaster capitalists spells trouble for the filthy rich who may well leave the country” is such a well-worn and nakedly self-serving line I don’t know why you take it so seriously. Like, their whole thing, literally everything they do is to reduce tax for the ultra wealthy. Of course they’re not going to be keen that the economy-crashing “reduce taxes at the top end” party are leaving government, they might have to work even harder than before to exploit a shrinking pool of loopholes. I lost my tiny violin, so I’m all out of sob-story music for them.

  • Don’t judge others.

    Love your neighbour, and this means anyone in need, especially ones from ethnicities your nation shuns.

    Look after the poor, the widows and the foreigners.

    Pay your taxes.

    But seriously, number one and number two are love God and love your neighbour, according to Jesus, and he got really really cross about the religious leaders making up all kinds of rules for everyone else to follow, and for making the temple all about the money.

    He also said that you can’t love God and money.

    It’s just not a very Republican kind of line of morality, you can see why they’re rejecting it.