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Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • As I was reading the article it just kept getting worse and worse:

    More than 60% of those surveyed said they posted fake jobs “to make employees believe their workload would be alleviated by new workers.”

    Sixty-two percent of companies said another reason for the shady practice is to “have employees feel replaceable.”

    Two-thirds of companies cited a desire to “appear the company is open to external talent” and 59% said it was an effort to “collect resumes and keep them on file for a later date.”

    What’s even more concerning about the results: 85% of companies engaging in the practice said they interviewed candidates for the fake jobs.

  • The way I read all of this and th decision is that they are saying that this law specifically only applies to bribery. They define it as a quid quo pro in advance of an act.

    In this particular case, you can’t charge the guy with bribery because it doesn’t meet the definition.

    That doesn’t mean a “tip after the fact” isn’t corrupt. That doesn’t mean that’s not in violation of some other law. It’s saying that you can’t apply this law to this case. This court is threading a fucking needle in an attempt to make this a state issue and say the Fed law can’t apply.

    Justice Jackson’s dissent is amazing though:

    Snyder’s absurd and atextual reading of the statute is one only today’s Court could love."

    The Court’s reasoning elevates nonexistent federalism concerns over the plain text of this statute and is a quintessential example of the tail wagging the dog," Jackson added.

    Officials who use their public positions for private gain threaten the integrity of our most important institutions. Greed makes governments—at every level—less responsive, less efficient, and less trustworthy from the perspective of the communities they serve,"

  • It sounds like they need a little more oversight but if you read the article the cop was working around the safeguards and using real case #s and whatnot.

    The audit caught him though which is a good thing. The not so great thing is that this was an audit to figure out their usage for re,doing licenses, and not a routine audit to check for…behavior like this.

    The biggest issue I have with all of this is that he resigned before the merit board could make a determination…so what? That’s that? I’d imagine they can still make a determination.

  • Because with the way we do our voting (first past the post), a vote for Stein is effectively a vote for Donald J Trump, Convicted Felon, adulterer, fraudster, sexual assaulter, etc, etc.

    This election is NOT the election to get “principled” with your choice. The consequence of Trump getting another term is incredibly dire for the health of our country and democracy. The consequence of Biden winning is a shift back in the right direction. Jill Stein and other candidates will still be around in 4 years and you can vote for them then-- and she’ll lose then, but maybe, with another 4 years of Biden, we’ll have laws protecting womens choice, supreme court nominees that aren’t conservative lunatics, and forward thinking stability. So you vote 4 years from now we’ll be on more solid ground in the event you cause a Republican to win.

    If you vote for her now, and Trump wins as a consequence, you might not ever get a chance to vote again. (only being a little dramatic).

  • Thank you for posting the actual numbers. This article is pretty shitty imo. I read it just to see if they even included them (I guess, to their credit, at least they did that).

    4,3,5 and 10(even though the govt is reporting 6) over the last 4 years.

    So even assuming 10 is correct, using the “more than doubled” almost seems like journalistic malpractice. At best it’s click-bait garbage. Where was the “ICE sees 25% drop in in-custody deaths” article a few years ago?

    Should we watch it to see if it’s a broader trend? Yea, probably. Is this necessarily indicative of anything nefarious? No.

    There could be (and likely are) legitimate reasons for the increase that have nothing to do with “ICE bad”. Like maybe, people coming in already sick, maybe an older demographic, unvaccinated people, etc etc. or literally just random fucking chance.

  • It’d really be great if journalists even attempted “educating” readers or providing meaningful context. But then again, would it get this kind of traction?

    The interesting story here is that interest rates are raised to SLOW spending and encourage saving. The interest rates spiked to CURB inflation. It has worked, despite most journalists seeming keenness for it not to, for the most part. If consumers and businesses reduce their spending due to higher costs of borrowing, this will bring down prices over time, aligning with the Fed’s inflation targets.

    No one explains this to the average person, ever. Ironically, the story here should be consumers are spending money even when saving it should be incentivized because they can’t afford not to… because of profiteering by large companies, grocery chains, etc as well as stagnate wages for the past few decades. This means that inflation will creep up faster than it should because of demand-driven inflation. This makes the problem worse for low-income earners.

    It seems to me that THAT type of inflation might require less of an “interest rate adjustment fix”, and more of a wage adjustment fix. Even potentially a regulatory fix to go after price gougers.