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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Jean Paul Sartre would vote to defederate:

    Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.

    But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors.

    They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.

    Hexbear, as an entity, exists to troll and disrupt discussions, not to participate in them.

  • crowsby@kbin.socialtoLemmy@lemmy.mlPolitics blocklist
    10 months ago

    I dipped out of r/politics on Reddit because over the past few years the general trend there has been:

    Reliable news outlet posts article > Partisan clickbait site posts their incendiary “take” on the article > Redditors post their hot takes based on misleading clickbait title without reading either article

    There’s just no value to reading hot takes from uninformed teenagers seeking only to validate and amplify their worldviews based on clickbait titles alone. It’s important to stay informed, but there’s such a diminishing return for getting news from a subreddit vs. a legitimate news outlet, and it’s definitely not worth the mental health hit. And I don’t think it’s a Reddit-exclusive thing. Personally I’d rather stick to reading news from the sources, and keep my social media focused on other things.

  • Definitely. I posted this yesterday in a similar thread about clickbait content:

    This is one of the things that I’m struggling with right now as well. My reddit experience was heavily curated in favor of smaller subreddits, to the almost complete exclusion of top subreddits. The thing is, since Lemmy is so new, it hasn’t had the opportunity to build up a diverse array of specialized communities the same way. So basically right now all we have are mainly versions of the “big” Reddit communities, along with ones that decided to emigrate here from Reddit.

    But it turns out, content from “big” communities is often the same low-effort, lowest-common denominator stuff regardless which platform is hosting it. Memes, clickbait, and ragebait permeate the top results, because well shucks, that’s what people want to see and engage with, apparently.

    I’m hopeful that if/when Lemmy continues to grow, that it’ll become home to more active specialized communities. In the meanwhile, I’ve been trying to improve the experience as much as possible by A) trying to subscribe to more communities and B) slamming that block community button like I’m playing Hungry Hungry Hippos.

    I think it boils down to the fact that a smaller userbase is going to naturally gravitate towards lowest common denominator content because there isn’t enough critical mass to form niche communities yet. It’s low-hanging fruit to post an angry meme about Reddit, since people being angry about Reddit is why Lemmy/kbin suddenly have so many people. But of those, how many want to talk about inflatable kayaks or vintage calculators?

    As far as finding new communities, maybe this page will be helpful.

  • As a starter, you could ask him:

    • How many countries currently have laws making it illegal to be cishet, sometimes punishable by death.
    • In the US, how many states have passed laws making cishet relationships illegal. What year were they repealed?
    • How long did it take for an American president to openly support cishet marriage?

    …but like other folks have talked about, it’s difficult to use logic to get someone out of a position that they did not logic themselves into. You’re arguing with feelings, and so long as he feels oppressed, that’s going to be the truth of his world.

  • I work in data analysis and reporting on various feedback systems is part of my regular role. Every company’s data culture is different, so you can’t simply say “X is the reason why they’re doing this”. It could be:

    • Maybe they are incorporating the data into agent/product reviews.
    • Maybe they are trying to guide product & feature development on a quantitative basis
    • Maybe at one point a product manager wanted to be “data-driven”, so a feedback system was set up, but now it’s basically ignored now that they haven’t been with the company for over a year and nobody wants to take ownership of it. But it’s more effort to remove than just leave in place.
    • Maybe it’s used when we want to highlight our successes, and ignored when we want to downplay results we don’t like

    What I’ve found is that there are a lot of confounding factors. For example, I work for a job board, and most people use the Overall Satisfaction category as more of a general measurement of how their job search is going, or whether or not they got the interview, rather than an assessment of how well our platform serves that purpose. And it’s usually going very shittily because job searching is a generally shitty process even when everything is going “right”.

  • I dislike the general trend towards platforms feeling compelled to blindly imitate the various interaction mechanisms from platforms. Sometimes I just want to Instagram on Instagram. But then they had to follow-the-leader, so now you can Snapchat on Tiktok, or TikTok on Instagram. Companies are compelled to do many things haphazardly instead of one (or a few) things well.

    This is simultaneously coupled with a growing trend towards disallowing any type of UI customization. You will take our experience and you will like it. How dare you want to turn off our faux Tiktok bullshit that our developers spent so many months plagiarizing.

  • OP may come across a little alarmist, but it’s really easy for online communities to become Nazi bars if the admins aren’t carefully weeding out the ne’er-do-wells. Especially in places with open signups. Taking a hands-off approach and simply hoping that everyone is going to be a mature adult and behave themselves is effectively voting to surrender the site to assholes.

    And yeah, they follow “the rules”, and free speech and all that, until they don’t. The thing to keep in mind is that these are not folks who, as a community, are interested in engaging in good-faith discussion. They are looking for a platform to spread disinformation and troll the libz, and any platform that facilitates it is also complicit.