I’m an able-bodied handcyclist. Not a wheelchair attachment, but a dedicated handcycle. I’ve been riding one for over 20 years now. I alternate riding it and riding a leg-powered bicycle. Cycling and hiking are the only exercises I will religiously stick to. I realized that my upper body was being neglected and gave a handcycle a shot.
They are super fun and a great workout. I prefer my handcycle rides tremendously over my to eg-poweted bicycle rides (but I can’t skip leg day). I highly recommend trying out a handcycle to anybody who thinks they may be interested.
If you’re in the Los Angeles area, and are interested in trying one out, message me. I love introducing folks to handcycles and live down the block from a bike path. I even have a couple for sale that I’d let go at a very reasonable price if anyone wants one. I just don’t want to ship them.
My Merkur 23C has served me well for 13 years. Recently the threaded screw broke off and I had to get a replacement head. But it was very reasonable. I have been curious about the Hensons, but have tended to stick with the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” philosophy. People really seem to like them though. Do you have the light, medium, or aggressive?
Nah. It takes a little more awareness while you’re shaving for sure, but you’re rarely if ever going to cut yourself once you get your gear and technique dialed in. For me, I had to find the right blade. I found Feather brand blades, which a lot of people recommend, didn’t work well with my skin, but Astra blades are great for me. Everyone’s a little different.
I got a can of chicken broth, knocked a slot into the top with a flathead screwdriver and a hammer, poured out the stock and rinsed and dried the can. It lives in the cabinet beneath my sink and I drop my blades in it when I’m done with them. That was about 10 years ago. The thing is maybe a third full.
My feet smell like Fritos