Sorry, a stupid question.
If the bridge is the primary interface on host, and the homeassistant KVM also uses this bridge, will this cause them to get the same IP again?
Thank you for your patience.
Sorry, a stupid question.
If the bridge is the primary interface on host, and the homeassistant KVM also uses this bridge, will this cause them to get the same IP again?
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for the configuration. I wonder, because you have turn dhcp off for the host, will this prevent the host from getting an ip address?
Two of the same MAC address can’t exist in the same IP space, else the router can’t route packets to them.
Yes, this seems to be my problem, both the host and the vm got the same IP, and I think I cannot send any traffic to either my host or vm. So my router is probably confused, as you suggested.
Is there an issue with using Docker for this?
I forgot to mention this, docker indeed work. However, ha requires a privileged docker running as root, which means ha essentially runs as root on the host.
This is fine on dedicated hardware, but as my server have other infrastructure on there, running ha as root can be a security risk.
Hi, thank you for your reply.
Did you make sure that eno2 is enslaved by br0? When br0 is created, it indeed have a unique MAC, but once it enslaves the hardware, it inherits the hardware address.
I have not tried to get the bridge going with virsh, but I was unsuccessful with the virt-manager ui. And I assume they use the same system?
It is possible I have accidentally disabled some network virtualization kernel component during setup, as I have implemented some mods from secureblue. I will try to reset everything to default, and try again.
Do you have a tutorial for making bridge via virsh that you can share.
From my read, this is not even for marketing, but mainly for feedback to improve framework products. Framework will also have merch packages for the ambassador.
These ambassadors would attend linux conferences anyways, framework just want them to communicate to frameworks when anyone have any feedback.
I am okay with this.
divest has all the graphene hardening and have unprivileged microg, it also runs on a much wider range of devices.
Last time I tried ChatGPT it cannot even do a trie in Haskell, so I don’t see any way it is useful for me, unfortunately. IIRC, I was testing with some trivial modification of a trie, but I do not remember at this point.
Maybe it is useful for college homework, but I have yet to find any problem it can solve beyond college. But I would love to learn more, since you have more experience with it. :)
Edit: I tried a problem I encountered couple month ago on https://perplexity.ai. I want to implement a parser in Haskell that do not halt on error, but record the error and keeps going.
It should take 2 lines with mtl, and the AI gives me a more verbose answer that is also completely wrong.
So… I don’t see how they are helpful, honestly. Sorry.
I don’t get the hype around LLM, it is a terrible way to search. It has never give me anything useful on any of my search, ever.
Most of the time asking chatgpt anything non-trivial, it will just spit out gibberish that doesn’t mean anything.
Who in their right mind would look at these terribly stupid thing and think: Yeah! This garbage is going to advance humanity.
Hum, on retrospect, my ISO might be just corrupted. I have never tried to redownload it.
I never know gnome has a image writer tool, and would you please let me know what “dd” stands for?
recently I have encountered a problem with this, it is indeed not so straightforward to create a bootable windows 10 USB instillation media under linux.
The media created by fedora media writer is not bootable and the media created by ventoy lacks drivers. I was then able to create a media quite easily with the last windows machine in my household. I don’t know if it is a temporary bug or fundamental incompatibility.
So I would suggest you to keep a windows installation media at hand in case you need to switch back, or make sure at least one of your friend has a windows machine you can borrow.
Sorry, sir, I like shit.
I imagine it wouldn’t hurt as much as a whip, but probably equally intimidating.
Dare I ask which country speaks words that cannot be truer.
Edit: saw your instance…
巧妇难为无米之炊 – “even the cleverest house wife cannot cook without rice”.
I think clear signage and message on the bill indicating “tipping is optional, service charges is included in the menu price” should suffice.
Making tipping illegal goes too far, but I am okay with implementing it for couple decades, in order to correct a bad habit.
since most western outlets are causally dismissive of the claims.
It is interesting you didn’t give any western media the benefit of the doubt, while giving CCP plenty.
After a quick google search, it seems like there are several court documents for Zhang’s case circling the internet:
There are two different versions, one judgement, one indictment (copy). Their contents seems to match, and they also match the reports of various media articles.
The indictment mentioned neither “the lie” nor “the truth”, which, in my mind, is probably why most media never reported it.
The document only mentioned:
故根据现查明的事实可以证实 张展通过微信、“twitter”(推特)、“YouTube”(油管)等网络媒介发布的相关文章、视频及接 受采访内容均与武汉市实际防控疫情的客观实际情况不符。
according to current known fact, the related article, videos, and interview by Zhang Zhan on wechat, twitter, youtube, differ from the objective truth of situations in Wuhan.
I was not able to find any court document from official source from China/CCP. Since all these articles are either photos or transcribed from photo, I don’t imagine the original documents are easy to find. It seems like the original document can be obtained from: https://wenshu.court.gov.cn/ (according to the title of the website, and Chinese government owned domain name), but they require personally identifiable information (like phone number, which is connected to ID in China) after I typed in 张展 (Zhang Zhan).
But since you clearly know more about China and CCP than I do, so you might want to give it a try.
According to https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/arrest, “arrest” means
If the police arrest someone, they take them away to ask them about a crime that they might have committed
And in https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/arrest
to take or keep in custody by authority of law
Dr. Li was taken to police station because the police has deemed his action is against the law.
He was later released because he signed a consent about “stop spreading misinformation”, which I showed in my response. We wouldn’t know how he will be treated if he refuse to sign such consent. But I might hypothesize that the police wouldn’t simply let him go.
And he has never spread any misinformation, the patient record he sent to his friend clearly indicated the patient has tested positive for SARS; and as we know later, the disease is indeed caused by SARS-cov2.
Yeah, the final ECMO was indeed controversial in Chinese community. Other than that, I have not heard any indication of mistreatment.
Given his high social status, and he said “一个健康的社会不该只有一种声音” (a healthy society shouldn’t only have only one voice), some people suspect CCP likely wanted him dead. But so far, I am not aware of any evidence that his death is man-made.
You know who else was arrested for “spreading misinformation”? The doctor who tried to warn his friends about covid privately, before the government took any action.
Source (in chinese): https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/chinese-news-51371586
The form he filled out at police station, clearly stating his action is against the law:
couple related articles in english:
I have figured out the problem. Turns out although in
ip a
, the MAC is the same, yet in the vm, the MAC is different.As for being assigned the same IP, it is just my stupid router… Getting a new MAC (creating a new VM) fixes the issue.