Same thing for any other software, see if you can get it running in wine, and see what the alternatives are and try them out until you find a solution you like. You need to accept there may be change, and may need to experiment and hit up Google to find solutions, but solutions do exist.
From a quick Google search, i found about 4/5 potential open source options
FreeCAD would probably be what I try first, but it’s hardly the only option and seen some people complain that it feels archaic (but it’s FOSS). I’ve also seen draftsight recommended a few times, and it has a free trial but is not free.
Also apparently fusion360 has a web interface that may be usable.
Very similar here, windows 11 being shittier and forced further pissing me off as windows 10 was supposed to be their last release shifting to a service model.
I’ve still yet to see a convincing reason windows 11 is an improvement in any way over 10.
Then steam decks came out with a solid proton version, and my only reason to stay on windows evaporated. I didn’t even try dual booting windows.