I have an anarchist child and they kill me in a rebellion.
I’d be so proud.
Definitely illegal, and definitely a test balloon for what types of executive authority they can get away with.
They chose Khalil specifically because of the subject of his protesting - they might get a handful of judges that allow this abuse because of the near-universal bipartisan support for Israel.
Whether or not this sticks will be an indicator on how far the US slips into fascism, and I’m certainly hopeful this gets reversed quickly.
They want Europe to feel threatened so that we come to them for help where they can put on the mask of protector when in reality they want to turn the entire world in the dystopian shitshow they have
Couldnt this just as easily be about the US?
For anyone still curious, the ban was lifted already
Just for the record, this is what democrats always do, and it’s why they keep fucking losing.
Democrats would rather have trump than have a social-democratic platform, and it shows every time they have the opportunity to fight him and chose to capitulate instead. The democrats aren’t a left-wing party, certainly not now, and arguably not since FDR.