Yeah, I saw that there are very few downvotes on hb posts and assumed they are disabled for the instance. But I do still see some downvotes. Are those coming from other instances?
Yeah, I saw that there are very few downvotes on hb posts and assumed they are disabled for the instance. But I do still see some downvotes. Are those coming from other instances?
Woah, didn’t think I would guess the CD-i thing.
Wonder who downvoted me and why.
True. I intend to live forever and so far so good.
I knew you were a hexbear user because:
a. you used an inline image in your comment
b. you used that image
What the heck is it, what’s the origin, and what is it supposed to mean? Looks like some Philips CD-i game.
Sure. But still not all of them do it out of anger. In fact, I’m hopeful that most don’t. Because if you hit children because you’re angry, you’re an asshole, but if you hit children as a means to discipline then you’re just a misguided parent.
You assume that all corporal punishment comes from anger. And you also assume all corporal punishment is beating kids. A lot of parents hit their children as a conscious act of disciplining.
Lemmy back to making assumptions about comments. Not in the least indicated by the amount of downvotes to my original comment. Also Lemming really don’t like hearing truths that don’t vibe with them.
But to address your comment, I suppose you didn’t say anything wrong, but it assumes that I don’t know about adverse effects of corporal punishment and somehow approve of it.
I come from culture where corporal punishment is the default. 90-95% of boys (not so sure about girls, should be much less) experienced it, at least in the years of my childhood (it luckily seems to be going down, from my personal experience). But this doesn’t mean that 95% of boys get beaten to pulp with a bludgeon. Most of the punishment is a slap on the back of the neck or something equivalent. Do I approve of it? No. But unlike some, I’m also willing to acknowledge that it’s by far not the worst thing a parent can do, and the amount of potential trauma is likely negligible. And most children don’t see these as “parents turning on them” or “life threatening experience”. (Source: was a child who went to many different schools with children of various socioeconomic status)
I wasn’t saying I was fortunate, I’m pretty sure I have enough traumatic experiences, including some instances that I remember to this day. And just because all of what I said above is true, you don’t have to assume that my comments are an emphatic endorsement for child-beating, or beating any living creature, for that matter.
Not all corporal punishment by parents is “beating”. I was belted, but it wasn’t done out of anger (maybe only sometimes). It was just a misguided method of disciplining, done “for my benefit”.
What kind of beating are you supposed to give children for them to actually fear for their lives? I understand that there are sickos like that, but it’s not that common. I’ve been belted my whole childhood, but I never had any survival response, cause I knew that my parents love me. During the whole thing I was much more worried about getting my PS2 taken away.
In other words, wizards do exist, they are just called IT specialists.
To be fair, your case applies to any sort of punishment.
- I’m punished if I do something wrong.
- If they don’t find out, I don’t get punished.
Conclusion: need to hide doing something wrong better.
Why? What grammatical mistake did I make?
Game is game. Play whatever brings you joy. Except FIFA, of course.
Lemmy often assumes the worst about comments. I think people interpreted* your comment as “can you imagine this woman I know enjoys this kiddy game?!”. While you really meant, I think, “some adults like to play Fortnite, too, actually”.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
What truly blows my mind is the amount of requests the 1st party Reddit app sends home. Back when I was using Sync I still had the app installed, but then I set up AdguardHome and saw that my phone was spamming requests. Checked the logs and found out that the 1st party app, which I wasn’t even using for months, was “phoning home” literally every 10 seconds! Besides privacy concerns, that can’t be good for battery life. Nuked the app then and there. I’ll take the nagging, thank you.
As a european, fast food is just like a category of food, and more of an occasional treat for me. Normally, I just eat my own homemade food, which is even cheaper. So I guess I see it a little differently, and fast food is allowed to be not cheap if it’s “good”.
Hell yeah, gimme that cancer patty and those artery clogging fries, baby! But make the obesity water size “for kids”.
Yes. And I think better make it obvious that votes aren’t private, instead of people wrongly assuming that they are.
I still think it’s just unfair. You can lookup votes and harass people only IF you know enough about computers. Anybody persistent enough to harass other people will put a little bit of work into being able to look up votes.
In addition, as we can see, this “semi-privacy” confuses a lot of people. Better that all users KNOW that their votes are visible, instead of them thinking they are private.
I usually see downvotes on comments that go against hexbear. Maybe bears with accounts on multiple instances.