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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • If landlords don’t want to hemorrhage money by not having a paying tenant on their land, they will lower their prices. The problem with land is that we can’t create more of it. It is not a commodity supply can be artificially restricted to the detriment of the rest of society. If land holders constantly lost money for not having their land generate wealth, there would be no incentive to artificially reduce supply.

  • Change My View: Its not the business owner’s fault that they can’t pay enough wages to hire enough people. It is the landowners and land speculators fault for raising the rent / price of land to the point where the businessowers don’t have enough money to pay.people because all their revenue is going to the landowners. I believe we need a land value tax to fix this issue.

  • i dont think you are gonna read any of this


    In all seriousness though, I can understand your desire for utopia and for technology to solve all our problems (I desire those things too!), but I think people generally view those two desires as naive. The world’s problems usually don’t have simple solutions, AI is still somewhat of a new area of research with its own potential dangers, and putting all your stock into AI solving our problems ignores the very real solutions that could be implemented sooner rather than later.

    But don’t beat yourself up too much over meaningless internet points, learn about what you’re interested in more! If AI is your cup of tea and you want to learn more about the potential issues with creating super powerful AI, I can strongly recommend the channel “Robert Moses AI Safety”. Particularly his videos about The Orthogonality Thesis and Mesa-Optimizers.