I think CHERI is the only real attempt at a 128 bit system, but it uses the upper 64 bits for metadata, so the address space is still 64 bits.
made you look
I think CHERI is the only real attempt at a 128 bit system, but it uses the upper 64 bits for metadata, so the address space is still 64 bits.
You just leave those bits out when making your own CPU.
NTFS was designed back in the mid 90s, when the plan was to have the single NT kernel with different subsystems on top of it, some of those layers (i.e. POSIX) needed case sensitivity while others (Win32 and OS/2) didn’t.
It only looks odd because the sole remaining subsystem in use (Win32) barely makes use of any of the kernel features, like they’re only just now enabling long file paths.
Qt is overkill if all you’re using it for is to create a window you render into, something like SDL would be better.
They were a bit too public with “Dual_EC_DRBG”, to the point where everybody just assumed it had a backdoor and avoided it, the NSA ended up having to pay people to use it.
The problem is people recommend disabling IPv6 for random unrelated reasons (Like gamers claiming it decreases your IPv4 latency), so yeah MS is going to be insistent that users not fiddle with things they don’t understand because it’s really unlikely they’ll go back and restore that config when it doesn’t actually help.
8 cycles would be an eternity on a modern CPU, they can achieve multiple register sized loads per cycle.
If we do see a CPU with 128 bit addresses anytime soon, it’ll be something like CHERI, where the extra bits are used for flags.