Semper Fi is starting to ring hollow 🫡
As a consumer, probably not much and definitely not fast.
However, in the context of the Albertson and Kroger merger, it could cast shade on that case and impact the outcome.
So I guess, optimistically, we can hope it slows our capitalistic death march towards monopolistic consolidation of businesses.
Given how much IQ is talked about, I was thinking it was a free IQ test.
It’s like 10,000 spoons when all you need if a knife.
They should be running their own server where they have complete control over the content. I hate that public entities rely so much on third party services when their own websites get neglected. Like, I went to your website for info, but then find I have to go to Twitter or FB or whatever to find updates. And then Musk rat has a fit in the K hole and blocks stuff or tweaks the interface to mess shit up somehow and poof, it’s gone until he wakes up one of his engineers to fix it.