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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • TikTok doesn’t engage in speech at all. TikTok is s platform on which people engage in speech. Those people include Americans.

    So TikTok being legally considered a person or not, having rights or not and so on is irrelevant, since TikTok’s nominal rights aren’t being violated in the first place. The rights of the Anerican people are the ones that would be violated - they are the ones whose freedom of speech would be restricted.

    IANAL but I presume that’s the argument they’re using - that when they say that it’s a violation of the first amendment, what they mean is not that it violates their supposed freedom of speech, but that it violates our inalienable freedom of speech (as it in fact, and obviously, does).

  • They never really did.

    It was all, always, just about themselves. They claimed to love the country because they just saw it as a rightful extension of themselves, and they claimed to love democracy because they just saw it as the process by which they got what they wanted.

    Now that they’re faced with the fact that the country necessarily also accommodates other people and that democracy means that other people can get what they want, they have no reason left to pretend that they ever really valued either one.

    So they’re instead diving headfirst into xenophobic fascism, in the hope that they can recreate a world in which the country exists only for them and the government serves only their interests.

  • Sort of.

    More it’s just the way I’ve pretty much always been. Before I was even really aware of it, I apparently figured out that I couldn’t control the outside world but I could control how I reacted to it, so that was what I focused on. One could sort of say that I did it simply because it made sense to me, but even that makes it sound more conscious than it was. It’s more that it just never occurred to me to do things any other way.

    It was only much later that I discovered that there was a philosophy called “stoicism” that advocated that.

  • I recognize that the universe is so vast that it’s likely that life forms other than us exist in it, but that’s the extent of it.

    I’ve seen no verifiable evidence that they in fact do, so I don’t “believe” that they do.

    Really, I don’t “believe” in much of anything for which there is no verifiable evidence. I don’t even understand how that works - how it is that other people apparently do. It’s not a conscious choice or anything - it’s just appears that there’s a set of requirements that must be met before the position of “belief” is triggered inside my mind, and one of those requirements is verifiable evidence. Without that, the state of “believing” just isn’t triggered, and it’s not as if I can somehow force it, so that’s that.

    As far as I can see, governments are comprised almost entirely of psychopaths, opportunists, charlatans and fools, so I see little likelihood that they possess concealed knowledge regarding any nominal extraterrestrial life. First, and most simply, if they did possess any such knowledge, it’s near certain that somebody would’ve blabbed something by now.

    Beyond that though, I think it’s exceedingly unlikely that any alien life form capable of traveling interstellar distances would, on arriving on the Earth, seek out contact with a government, much less limit its contact to a government. If they’re that advanced, it can only be the case that they, in their own development, either never bought into the flatly ludicrous and clearly destructive idea of institutionalized authority or overcame it before it inevitably destroyed them, and in either case, I don’t see any reason why they would lend any credence to our mass delusion that this one subset of humanity forms a specially qualified and empowered elite that rightly oversees everyone else’s interests. That’s our delusion - not theirs.

  • I didn’t say anything at all about moderators or admins. My point is very narrow and specific - I want the concern trolls and drama llamas - the people who post threads like this one - to fuck off. I’m tired of them pissing and moaning because this new, free, making-it-up-as-we-go-along forum doesn’t live up to their expectations. Fuck 'em. Ernest doesn’t owe them anything and if they’re so unhappy, all they have to do is get the fuck out, then they won’t have to deal with the place and the rest of us won’t have to deal with them.

    That is “an absolute win all around.”

  • Personally, the main thing I want is for all of the pissers and moaners to go away, so the rest of us can just enjoy this place in peace. And that’d take some of the pressure off of Ernest, which would be good for him and, in the long run, good for the instance. You can all move to mbin - it was pretty much built by and for concern trolls and drama llamas, so you should be right at home there.

    Yeah - this place has its issues. That’s the way it goes on what basically amounts to a hobbyist platform on a decentralized system. And it’s part of why I have multiple accounts scattered around the threadiverse - when one is having problems, that likely just means I’ll use it less until things settle down, which is fine. It’s not like I’m paying for any of this.

    I like this interface and I like Ernest. That’s enough for me.