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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Just watch that xkcd graphic my dude. Somebody else already linked it. It makes the issue very clear and is quite scientifically based.

    Yes, everything you said is factually true. That doesn’t mean your interpreting it all correctly. We not just accelerated it, we where strolling along the path of planetary heating and then decided to step aboard the Starship Enterprise and screamed: “MR SULU WARP FACTOR NINE, STAT!”

    We’re fucking with systems (planetary weather patterns) we can’t comprehend. And to solve it we again fuck with that system but now not by adding energy (heat) but by removing energy from it (wind, radiation)

    I think both will have issues. But for now removing lots and lots of energy from the system will greatly benefit us.

    In the end it will always come down to population control or going interplanetary as a species.

    More people on this planet, in this system will always mean more heat. Remove the excess from the system and it will find its equilibrium again.

    But… Removing the excess sounds nice but isn’t. Especially when you are deemed to be the excessive one.

    You want to know where global warming can lead to? Look no further then Venus.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoLemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    4 months ago

    Why the downvotes: because you’re clearly the asshole. Or isn’t this /amitheasshole?

    Yes, older people have views from the past. That’s because they are older people. Yes, older people bitch and whine. That’s because friends and spouses are dead by now, they feel alone and forgotten. Yes, older people are not always nice. That’s because things you don’t even think about, like putting on clean socks or taking a shit by yourself have become hard, for some even impossible to do on their own and/or without pain leaving them with a feeling of loss and even regret for living that long.

    On top of that they’re literally waiting to die. And let’s not forget dementia.

    Now, maybe your granny is younger like 60 something, but still…

    Your response to the situation lacks a lot of empathy and respect. Without this person you wouldn’t be sitting there, scrolling through anime titties you clearly like just not always.

    And lastly: you will be her in 40-60 years. (i don’t know how old you are) You will be alone, your body will falter, your (grand) children will be uninterested in you. Etc.

  • If you watch, binge, all seasons se08 becomes more logical. There are small markers all over the series predicting it all. I didn’t pickup those at first (weekly) watch.

    I say more logical, not logical.

    Se01-se06 are still TV magic. Se07 (dany’s attack on the lannister convoy comes to mind) still is good and se08 just speed runs everything.

    I still think that was their only true mistake: speed running the season. It gave us everything we wanted. But in such a way nobody could enjoy it all. Jaime finally becoming true good only to return to his true love? (some very powerful acting there) Check. The long night? Check. End of the night king? Check. Ice dragon? Check. Arya voyage finally given meaning? Check. Jorahs redemption? Check. Cleganebowl? Check. Cersei dies? Check. Return of the mad king queen? Check. Theon’s redemption? Check. Destruction of kings landing? Check. Etc etc etc. It ticks all the boxes and more you didn’t even know they existed. It’s just that it ticks them in such an insane speed which results in gaps in the storytelling. Gaps of which some are filled if you binge it all but most will not.

    Se08 had to be 2 seasons. Season 8, ending with the long night, se09, the fall of the red keep.

    Yes, the 2nd dragon had to die for the sake of the story. Missandei had to die to cement Cersei being the baddest cruel bitch and complete dany’s arc to insanity. But like this? That was stuff for an entire episode. Not the final three minutes of one.

  • Where I live (NL, EU) there are several charging stations (+20 spots) within a 10 mile radius. Every neighborhood has like 5-10 parking spots with a charger. Around 10-15% of the residential housing have their own high-power charging outlet. Office buildings have around the same percentage (10-15%) of their parking lot converted to charging parking spots. Even parking lots in cities come with that same percentage of charging stations these days.

    Next to that around 30% of all housing is equipped with solar panels. New office buildings and factories all have giant solar arrays on their roofs. No exceptions.

    In the EU the biggest problem is not willingness or effort. The biggest problem is reality. You can’t connect that all to a power grid designed in the 60s. Energy infrastructure is hard, big and slow to build. Our grid is full. We are building like mad men but it just isn’t realisable in a short time. Especially since all of the EU is building a new grid at the same time… Building (nuclear) power plants, wind mills, conversion stations, high power grid cables all takes a lot of time.

    But, mobility in the EU is starting to become too expensive for the median income. Here a litre of ron95 gasoline is around 2 euros. The purchase of new cars are taxed to insanity here in NL. Around 50% of the price is tax. A new electric vehicle with acceptable range is somewhere around 50-60k (ionic, ev5/6)

    Electric vehicles had all sorts of tax exemptions. That’s changing. Soon they’re also taxes to the fullest.

    Alas, everyone who doesn’t have a job which provides a car does what I do: drive that old piece of garbage till it really falls apart.

    And I think that are the 2 main reasons for the laxer rules on ice vehicles. Reality regarding the needed infrastructure and cost to the public. Everything has become so much more expensive the last 4 years.

  • My third even, 100% bank owned. Cannot afford to switch again so I think this is it till the end. All my under 30 colleagues also have their own by the way. It’s fucking expensive especially with 3 kids who probably cannot move out the next 10 years.

    I know where you’re coming from, having older kids myself. It’s hard and unfair. But that’s how it always been. The unfair part isn’t new.

    Looking back thinking it was easier in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s is, I’m sorry to say, disillusional. You’re just looking at housing (which was also bullshit in the 80s, and 00s by the way) and forget the rest of the shit of those times. 80s wasn’t fun, my dad lost his job, we only kept our house because my grand parents died and the inheritance filled the financial hole. 00s also wasn’t fun, being a part of the greatest depression since the 30s, I was fortunate to keep my IT job, a lot of mates lost everything. (job, house, marriage, because bad finance kills relations I’ve learned.) My wife did get fired and still is not at the same level as back then. But we get by, thank you for asking.

    Finance is a bitch. Always has been.

  • Large cities, big tourist spots? Yes. Go in land and it’s game over. I’ve been in cajarc (beautiful spot, really!) this year, it’s on one of the compostela routes so they get a lot of pelgrims from al over the world. 1 waiter spoke good enough English to have a conversation with. 1.

  • In 7 and vista you already used steam and battle.net. The last time you clicked on an exe really was a long time ago.

    Every installer ever since windows 95, made an item in your start menu. No clicking an exe.

    unless you pirate your games, but then you’re still just clicking an exe and this post doesn’t make sense.

    But hey, he made fun with his meme, I had fun typing my response, that’s all there was to it, no?